Stranded without hope of rescue. Naught but your wits to keep you alive. Crushing boredom. Comics won’t much help with those first two, but here are the comics I would most want to have with me when the loneliness sets in.
Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday
I’ve read them a dozen times and I will read them a dozen more. Drawn and written with equal perfection, these 25 issues comprise a story that is both fun and profound. All of the major characters go through full circle character arcs. This book does set up and payoff like nobody’s business. The high water mark for X-runs.
Hawkeye by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Javier Pullido, et al
A great run of comics can take characters you care nothing about and make them some of your all-time favorites. This incredible Hawkeye run took Clint Barton & Kate Bishop and turned them into characters I would follow anywhere. Superhero storytelling unlike any other.
Sex Criminals by Matt Fraction & Chip Zdarsky
Hopefully I get stranded only after they finally decide to finish comics’ greatest romcom.
The Flintstones by Mark Russell & Steve Pugh
Nothing like comics’ best bit of hilarious existentialism to while away the long island hours.
X-Factor by Peter David
If I’m going to be stuck on that island, then I’m going to want at least one 120-issue series to occupy my time, and this incredible collection about C-tier mutants and the neighborhood they sheriff is the very best.

Injustice by Tom Taylor
Same, but for this absolutely amazing long-run series of the DC universe torn asunder. The best thing to ever spin out of a video game.
Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn & Pia Guerra
One of the very best series out there. Still Brian K. Vaughn’s crowning achievement, with unparalleled work by Pia Guerra. Vertigo’s crowning achievement.
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