You can have your Flashes, your men both Super and Bat. Keep your Lanterns. I don’t want ’em. Give me Wonder Woman and a gaggle of weirdos fighting the forces that seek to do magic ill. Give me Swamp Thing and Zatanna. Bring me Detective Chimp! I WANT MAN-BAT! And all that is exactly what I get in JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK.
After a threat was made on the world of magic, Wonder Woman gathered together the world’s greatest magic minds. Or, at least, the ones that were available. They stood toe to toe with an impossible foe and emerged out the other side. But to topple the Upside Down Man, they had to tap into something far worse.

Thus, last month’s Witching Hour event–a weekly that took over JLD & Wonder Woman’s solo book to tell a story of ancient witches and dead souls. Hecate, the witch queen of Themyscira, branded Diana in her youth with a witchmark that would awaken in her terrible power when Hecate saw fit. Diana escaped the thrall and banished Hecate, but at the cost of the safety and anonymity of the JLD.
This brings us to JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #5, this week’s entry in this stellar series. Turns out Detective Chimp inherited the mystical dimension of Myrra. Needing to lie low, our defenders of the mystic arts will make their way there. But will they be any more welcome there than in their homeworld? You’ll have to pick up the new issue to find out!
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