Its nice to see people branch out. Especially when you see such fine people as Kristin Kreuk jump the ship that is Smallville and move to Chuck with other Superman alum Brandon Routh.
Entertainment Weekly reports that Kreuk will play Hannah a new love-interest for Chuck in a multi-episode arc where she goes to work at the Best Buy…errr, Buy More. Routh, will play the new agent in charge of the Bartowski Project. Regardless, this stunt casting has worked out for Chuck to say the least with last season seeing fan favorites Chevy Chase, Scott Bakula, and Tricia Helfer. I personally can’t wait for Chase’s new show Community with Soup host Joel McHale. Though the best thing to come out of the Chuck ‘verse was the miniseries written by show staff writers Peter Johnson and Zev Borow and drawn by Jeremy Haun. It just kind of confirmed the fact for me that the series would excel as a comic.
In other Superman actor news, MTV’s Splash Page has the first picture of Tom Welling as Neo. And I have to ask: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! I would really love to know the reason behind saying yes to this design, because I can’t see it making any kind of sense at all. Have a look:
Barring that, there are many good things to look forward to in Smallville this season including a Geoff Johns written episode introducing the Justice Society of America, General Zod, Metallo and, yep, the Wonder Twins! Yes way! Set DVRs to obliterate. Smallville premieres Sept. 25 with “Savior” which is written by fan-favorite Geoff Johns, according to Splash Page.