Don’t know if you remember our last Walking Dead event contest, but if you were there you’ll know it was a slammin’ time. Well, there’s another super-rad gig going down at San Diego Comic-Con this year, and YOU could win a chance to be part of it…
Hyundai Undead 2012 SweepstakesGamesRadar wants to bring you and a friend to Walk With the Dead at Comic-Con 2012!
Go to GamesRadar’s Facebook Page here – https://www.facebook.com/gamesradar/app_403359706360567
Enter now to win a dream zombie trip to the ultimate fan boy extravaganza…San Diego’s world famous COMIC-CON 2012!
You and a guest can win:
· Round trip airfare for two(2) to San Diego, CA
· Four(4) nights hotel stay in San Diego, CA
· Two(2) passes to Comic-Con 2012
· Admission to the Walking Dead 100th Issue “Black Carpet” party
The sweepstakes runs from May 1 through June 1 and is open to all fans 18+. Go to GamesRadar’s Facebook page and “LIKE” it to enter. For the latest and greatest news, reviews and exclusive content on all your favorite video games across all consoles, visit www.GamesRadar.com.
The Black Carpet event will be held at Petco Park right across from the convention center on Friday July 13th. I’m sooooooooo jealous of the winner of this sweepstakes for a number of reasons, not the least of which cuz hot damn Petco’s gorgeous and I’m not making it to SDCC this year either…
Enjoy, you lucky bum!