Looks like I’ll be searching through the couch cushions for change again next week. Here’s my projected pull list, I say projected cause I always end up buying more than I plan.
7 Billion Needles Vol 3 – Manga! Yeah I read that stuff too. This one reminds me a lot of Parasyte but with a female lead.
Avengers #10 – The Hood, The Illuminati, and The Infinity Gems… Oh my!
Crossed Psychopath #1 – My favorite comic book creator David Lapham back with a new Crossed series. I just finished the last Crossed run Family Values (also by Lapham) and let me tell you, its just as sick, if not sicker than Garth Ennis’ original run.
Bullseye Costume T-Shirt
Deadpool #33 – Deadpool in space.
Deadpool Team-Up #884 – Deadpool and The Watcher, best team-up yet.
Detective Comics #874 -More Scott Snyder, Batfans approved!
Gotham City Sirens #20 -Harley out for Joker blood.
Metalocalypse Dethklok #3 -Ca ca ca comic books.
Punisher In Blood #4 – Jigsaw is back and boy is he pissed, and so is Frank Castle for that matter.
Secret Avengers #10 – Watch your backs Secret Avengers its Bizarro Nick Fury and a guy who can actually kick Steve Rogers ass.
Vampire Tales Vol 2 – Finally! The 2nd digest sized collection of the Marvel Vampire Tales magazine. I loved the first volume and was super stoked when I noticed this one is hitting shelves this week. Even Matt D is reading vampire books on the train nowadays.
See you next Wednesday…