By Loran
You really have to love some of the concepts in the original Mobile Suit Gundam. While effectively the first “real robot” series, a lot of concepts from super robot shows still kind of seeped in, like the G-Fighter and a lot of the crazy Mobile Armors. But there’s one I always kind of liked just for the simplicity and how cute it is-the Ball! Its design is obviously patterned off the Space Pod from 2001: A Space Odyssey but its use kind of reminds me of the Broogar or Bluegar or whatever it was called from Reideen the Brave.
In this kit, you receive two Ball kits-both with the same construction, colors, and weapons. This is actually the last mobile suit from the original series to be released in the HGUC line, probably because Bandai wasn’t sure how to go about releasing such a small kit at the price range. It’s also possible that fans had been buying the old kit a lot, since it’s cheap and honestly, it’s not like it needs polycaps and a lot of smooth joints. It was also one of the more detailed kits in the original line and didn’t have the bizarre proportions that a lot of older kits did-I’m looking at you, MSV Full Armor Gundam.
The new take on the Ball seems much more streamlined than the original counterpart. While it was better-proportioned than most other older kits, it had a really large body and tiny arms. It seemed a bit distracting. This time, everything seems to be in a bit more “harmony”.
Each Ball has around 60 pieces, which doesn’t include Polycaps since the kit doesn’t have any. Instead, it uses ABS for the joints and some other parts. I really don’t like working with ABS. It’s tricky to sand and paint because of its almost rubbery texture, but it allows for some smooth joints.
The cockpit of the Ball is represented by a red and yellow door, with a little look at the pilot seat. Sadly, there is no pilot. For some reason, the “glass” part comes molded in clear yellow instead of clear green. It’s a very strange choice when you consider that it was green not only in the show, but also the instruction manual! Same goes for the little cameras on the side.
The weapons prove to be a nice treat, however. In addition to the standard Ball cannon, you get the option of using the double-barreled gun that the RB-79K from the 08th MS Team uses. This extra gun plus some notable mold-gates on the runners make me think we’ll be seeing that in HGUC form sometime soon. This is a good thing, especially when one considers how impossibly rare the original Limited Model Ball kit is. I haven’t seen one in years!
Small stands are also included to keep them balanced in a “flying” position. They’re made out of the same ABS plastic as the joints, but they will scratch the paint if you’re not careful.
The Ball was released about 3 years after the last MS Gundam suit, the Zock, saw its release in the HGUC line, finally rounding out the original series. I’d say it was worth the wait. Getting two kits in one box is always good, especially if you like to army build. I’d definitely recommend it to beginners and fans of the design, or those looking to boost up their EFSF army. If you see this on the FPNYC shelf, I’d certainly say go for it. You can never have too many Balls. 😉