Okay, so maybe I could only will myself a week break from a “Shining” reference. I can’t stop myself, I’m a creature of habit. Regardless, its that time again, and that means some comics coming out this week.
The big one, of course, is “Blackest Night #1” which comes with a free Black Lantern Ring. I don’t know, but I’m pretty stoked about that, but this comes from someone who doesn’t even wear his class ring. Check it out:
Also out this week is the new hardcover of the tear jerking “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader” storyline that storyteller extraordinaire Neil Gaiman did with Andy Kubert.
For the adults, a new print of Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie’s “Lost Girls” comes today as well. I’m going to say it again: this is for adults. This is NOT “Supergirl’s Adventures in the Eight Grade.”
From Marvel this is the week where we finally get all of the sold out “Deadpool: Suicide Kings”. I’ve been hearing nothing but a ton of fun things about this comic, but its been selling out before I get the chance to peruse an issue. So, I’m looking forward to checking them out.
Like I mentioned the other day, I’m a Doctor Who fan, and this week marks the first issue of the new ongoing series from IDW. Other notable releases in science fiction comics this week is the adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” which was the basis for “Blade Runner.”