Hack Slash Crossover Craziness

There has been a rash of Hack/Slash crossovers recently and I’m loving it!  Reminds me of Cassie and Vlad’s early days, getting mixed up with Evil Ernie one week, fighting Chucky the next.  This coming Wednesday marks the release of Hack Slash Meets Zombies Vs Cheerleaders, who also had a cool crossover of their own with none other than Rich Koslowski’s The 3 Geeks! With a title like Zombies Vs Cheerleaders a Cassie Hack appearance was inevitable.

Here is a sweet colorless version of the cover I found on the awesome unofficial website Hack/Slash Inc.

Writer: Steven L Frank

Artist: Benjamin Glendenning

Publisher: Moonstone

Cassie and Vlad go undercover at a Washington State high school to investigate the mysterious disappearance of several students. Hilarity and mayhem ensue as Cassie joins the cheerleading squad and Vlad gets recruited for the football team!

If you read the title of the comic, you might be able to figure out what is going on at this particular high school, but is it really so crystal clear?

We also still have copies of last week’s Hack Slash Eva Monster’s Ball #1.

Writer: Brandon Jerwa

Artist: Cezar Razek

Publisher: Dynamite

Eva: a time-lost warrior who believes that God wants her to rid our world of the foul things that lurk in the shadows.

Cassie Hack: a 21st century anti-heroine who has devoted her life to the elimination of ‘slashers’ who kill without mercy or reason.

These lethal ladies and their monstrous majordomos Michael and Vlad may seem like two sides of the same coin, but they’re as different as night and day. When a mysterious figure brings them together, the whole world’s going to be reminded that Hell hath no fury like two women on a mission in a city full of monsters!

About Matt Desiderio 272 Articles
Matt D has been a manager, buyer and event coordinator at Forbidden Planet since 2005 or maybe it was 2006. Who can remember? We didn't even have computers back then. A native New Yorker from the borough of Queens, raised on Sunday Funnies, Monster Movies and Rock N' Roll. What better place to end up than Forbidden Planet where he can use his position to influence the city's pop culture. A responsibility he takes seriously more now than ever due to New York's consistent change for the worse. The last thing NYC needs is another cafe or bank so thank whatever it is you believe in that Forbidden Planet is here to stay. Beyond the walls of FP, Matt is a publicly recognized expert in cult and horror cinema with a focus on VHS. He is the founder of Horror Boobs a collective that books screenings and distributes weirdo films, the producer of the documentary Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of the VHS collector, the publisher of the Blood Video zine, and is regrettably responsible for resurrecting the career of schizophrenic Shot-on Video director Carl J Sukenick. E-mail him at Mattdfpnyc@gmail.com Follow him on various social media at @horrorboobs