Grant Morrison, a writer of trashy “funny-books,” has been made a Member of the British Empire. The decline of Western civilization now seems to be complete.
Morrison is not properly English, nor of gentle birth, having been born to Scottish commoners. In fact, his father was an active dissident, so deranged as to protest against the construction of direly needed nuclear weapons.
A fan of the Christ-hating John Lennon, Morrison wasted his youth playing in a “rock group,” before achieving fame in the torrid underworld of comic-books. He has since written hateful screeds against sexual repression, monotony, the joys of wage slavery, and even consensus reality itself – not to mention our beloved Archons – in such works as Doom Patrol, Animal Man, The Invisibles, Kill Your Boyfriend, the Filth, New X-Men, We3 and All-Star Superman. During this time, he wallowed in the sins of cross-dressing and drug use, communed with extra-terrestrials of unknown origin, and honed his skills in the black arts of Chaos Magic.
There is no future. And England is dreaming.
No future for you….
Me? I got reprint volumes