Those who say Godzilla is all about destruction, feast your eyes on this!
Artist Boris Rasin’s Godzilla Does Right shows the big guy pitching in. Even if hes not the best house painter, at least he gives it his best.
Godzilla Does Right is currently on view at NURTUREart as part of the group show Blood, Sweat, and Tears: the Work of Art and Tragedy.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: the Work of Art and Tragedy, curated by Krista Saunders and Project Curate, a group of high school students.
The show is up from June 3 through June 24.NURTUREart is located at 910 Grand Street in Brooklyn, NY.The show is centered around the idea of modern natural disaster and renewal. The Godzilla piece takes the Japanese symbol of destruction and puts him to good use, fixing up the gallery with a somewhat sloppy paint job. The sculpture, made from insulation foam, expanding foam and other materials stands at 6’2″. The white paint Godzilla uses is glossier than the paint on the wall, creating the illusion of a fresh coat of paint. Being a little clumsy, he has a bit of white paint splattered on his hands and body.
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