Saturday, May 2nd, is Free Comic Book Day and here’s the deal on what Forbidden Planet NYC has planned for this year’s festivities.
First off, if you’re not familiar with FCBD, it’s an annual event on the first Saturday of May wherein participating comic shops all over the world give away comic books for FREE. Forbidden Planet has participated in FCBD since its inception and has given away hundreds of thousands of comics on throughout the years.
Each year publishers produce comic books intended to be given away that day- often samplers of what they normally publish, or reprints/previews of first issues and jump-on points of established series. The full list of what’s available this year can be seen here.
Forbidden Planet NYC will be giving away bags of comics starting at 9am, May 2nd. All ages bags will also be provided as this is a family-friendly event and there’s little else we like more than comics in the hands of a new generation of readers. We give away COMPLETE bags of books until we start running out of titles, and will do so as supplies last, so remember to ARRIVE EARLY.
We will also be hosting a special FREE signing with Ed Piskor and Dash Shaw, whose Hip Hop Family Tree/Cosplayers from Fantagraphics is one of this year’s biggest FCBD releases, starting at 12pm.
What’s more, ALL comic books, graphic novels and manga in stock will be ON SALE at 15% OFF for the entire day!!!
The Free Comic Book Day festivities begin when we open at 9am and run until we close at 12 midnight. I encourage you to come by, pick up some free swag, and save some dough on new reading material.
Gonna be a special, insane-o day, but we’re used to that. Hope to see you here!
Forbidden Planet NYC is located at 832 Broadway (between 13th and 12th Streets), New York NY 10003. You can contact us by phone at 212-475-6161.