I called Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #1 the best comic of 2018 thus far! And I still stand by that statement. And damn it if I’m not excited for the next exciting scene (French) of this theatrical journey we’re being taken on. There’re few comics as brazenly, and skillfully, tackling the plights of the world we live in while upholding the hallmarks of a great comic series. Snagglepuss is like all legendary plawrights (and indeed legendary writers regardless of medium), he’s a character in and of himself. And his life’s play is about to take a twisted turn in the first act that will change his world forever.
His friends are being blackballed from show business. The government is getting set to turn up the heat on Snagglepuss. Which is poor timing on top of the fact that his newest play is threatening to collapse from the inside out. But Snagglepuss is no newbie though. He understands the ultimate motto in the biz: “The show must go on!” It’s not just a motto but sometimes a mantra.
Art is has many different intentions. And many different consequences from the reactions it provokes and/or evokes. Some art is meant to bring catharsis. Some for escapism. Still other works are intended to inspire. Then there are those that aim to make us stand up and take notice, get angry, take a different look at the world around us. I think thus far Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles will be the latter. But damn it, it might just check all the boxes by the time it’s done. If you missed the boat the first time around, jump on and grab a paddle. Late seaters are most definitely welcome. Just a warning about sitting in the front three rows, because this saga could be bloody. The play’s the thing this Wednesday!
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