Every week there’s a new slew of graphic novels that come onto the scene. And there’s an argument to be made that the lifeblood of the comic book industry is still single issues. And that’s a correct argument, in one person’s humble opinion who works in both retail and direct market sales on behalf of multiple publishers. However, there’s always still room for a customer who wants a collection or longer formatted story. The great thing about the world of comics right now is that there’s something for just about everyone’s palette. There are more stories and more kinds of stories being published at one time than ever before. And even though it hasn’t translated to the same kinds of sales from the direct market in decades past, there’re vast riches to be found in today’s creative landscape. Case in point, Firebug.
Firebug features a young woman named Keegan who will discover that she is to become the next Goddess of Fire. Keegan will have to travel to the ancient city of Azar, which lies in the shadow of the volcano that the Goddess of Fire must draw her powers from. Keegan will explore the secrets of her past and the prophecies of her arrival as a goddess. All along the way, Keegan will encounter obstacles like a horde of forest monsters and the dangerous Cult of the Goddess. The cult has plans to summon primal forces older than time in order to snuff out the Goddess of Fire’s power and, perhaps, her existence.
Johnnie Christmas writes and illustrates this fantastical tale while Tamra Bonvillain receives the billing for providing the colors. Mr. Chistmas (man, writing that will never get old) is an ambitious storyteller based on his previous collaborations with talent including Ed Brisson (Sheltered) and Margaret Atwood (Angel Catbird). It’s exciting to see a bright and bold fairy tale of this kind. Because we certainly can use more stories like it.
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