Why do people look at me like I’m crazy when I say Fangoria is the best genre magazine on the shelf? I seriously read every horror related magazine that hits the shelves, from the old guy black and whites to the ultra glossy “high-brow” genre rags. If its got a monster on it or in it I have to give it a shot. Now that gives me the right to say hands down for the last five months Fangoria has been the best magazine out there. This past week saw the release of issue number 305 and it is no exception. Now you had me at the logo, but with a heavy focus on British Horror, a sweet merchandising of the Planet Of The Apes article, and a giant fold out Elvira poster, any self respecting genre fan would be a fool not to pick this up.
Now I have a little ritual when it comes to magazines. I flip through every page and see whats on the platter before I dig in. I like to take notice of little things like whether or not an article is still featured, or even their placement within the magazines. Just one of my things. Now while flipping through the new Fango, what do I come across on the very last page… Dead Format! A brand new article by Kelly Forbes featuring horror films only available on VHS!!! Wizard Video’s Headless Eyes specifically in this issue. As a VHS collector and long time Fangoria supporter I just want to thank you guys for always giving me another reason to support my argument. Fangoria is number one. I found the article to be informative yet still accesible enough to entertain those of you who rely strictly on your fancy blew-ray players. Hopefully this mainstream exposure will help some of these lost classics find a place in the modern fans hearts and maybe even convert a few over to the darkside of VHS collecting.
While we’re at it our good friends over at Fright-Rags just released some sweet Fangoria logo shirts. Gotta get me that Gorezone one!