Fangoria Cover To Cover Signing April 2nd at FP

Join the Fangoria crew at Forbidden Planet in celebration of the release of Fangoria Cover To Cover, their new over-sized hardcover coffee table book published by Cemetery Dance!

So come down to Forbidden Planet Thursday April 2nd at 6PM for the Fangoria Cover To Cover Singing and get your copy autographed by Thomas DeFeo, Tony Timpone, W.R. Mohalley, Michael Gingold, and Ken Hanley! Plus you never know what surprise celebrity guests the Fango crew will have in tow so keep your eyes glued to both the Forbidden Planet and Fangoria websites and various social media outlets for more announcements.


Since 1979, Fangoria magazine has been the bible for horror fans worldwide. Combining first-rate writing, reporting with unparalleled expertise on the fright-film genre, and eye-popping color photos, Fango has set a standard and become a name recognized by anyone who knows and loves scary cinema. One of the signature elements of the magazine has always been the eye-catching and controversial covers that have grabbed the attention of readers everywhere for the past three decades.

Fangoria: Cover to Cover is a lavish, oversized, and full color hardcover book that celebrates the magazine’s long history and the genre it reports on, reproducing every one of those terrifying covers in stunning full color and providing a history of modern horror cinema that has been thirty years in the making. This special edition volume collects a wealth of information, trivia, frightening photos, and every legendary cover of this acclaimed magazine, serving as a celebration of horror and a “coffee table” book that readers will turn to time and time again.

A Cemetery Dance Publications exclusive hardcover edition, there are no other editions planned anywhere in the world at this time!


Can’t make it to Forbidden Planet’s Fangoria Cover To Cover Event on April 2nd? As usual we’ve made it so you can reap the benefits from the comfort of your couch. Pre-order copies of Fangoria Cover To Cover from and Forbidden Planet will get it signed by all attendees before we ship it (FREE SHIPPING in the USA!) direct to you after our event.

About Matt Desiderio 272 Articles
Matt D has been a manager, buyer and event coordinator at Forbidden Planet since 2005 or maybe it was 2006. Who can remember? We didn't even have computers back then. A native New Yorker from the borough of Queens, raised on Sunday Funnies, Monster Movies and Rock N' Roll. What better place to end up than Forbidden Planet where he can use his position to influence the city's pop culture. A responsibility he takes seriously more now than ever due to New York's consistent change for the worse. The last thing NYC needs is another cafe or bank so thank whatever it is you believe in that Forbidden Planet is here to stay. Beyond the walls of FP, Matt is a publicly recognized expert in cult and horror cinema with a focus on VHS. He is the founder of Horror Boobs a collective that books screenings and distributes weirdo films, the producer of the documentary Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of the VHS collector, the publisher of the Blood Video zine, and is regrettably responsible for resurrecting the career of schizophrenic Shot-on Video director Carl J Sukenick. E-mail him at Follow him on various social media at @horrorboobs