By Chris Troy
The internet is a crazy place FPNYC Faithful! After checking some of my Twitter followers, it turns out Avatar Press’ co-founder Mark Seifery is following me, which is all sort of cool, despite the fact that “Crossed” is something I don’t have the stomach for. But their books (strictly for the 18+ crowd) are rad, so if you like writers such as Warren Ellis, Alan Moore, Gath Ennis and Jamie Delano, I recommend checking out some of catalog, which you can obviously find here at FPNYC.
So anyone with half a brain can probably tell by this article’s title that we’ll be discussing some of the new Avengers toys that have come in this past week. Hasbro’s going all out once again, offering action figures of various sizes, as well as a variety of roleplaying props. This is only the first wave of collectibles, so expect a ton more as May get closer.
I would usually give Nerf/Hasbro some crap for repacking some older toys from the previous Avenger solo movies, but when Hulk Hands are added to the equation, I really can’t hate on that. Although they replaced the electronic sound effects for a plastic Hulk mask, which is WHACKKKKK, because it means I’m going to have to yell “Hulk Smash” and provide my own sound effect noises. I mean kids will. Yes, that is what I meant.
Aside from that, you have Cap’s shield which is pretty much a large frisbee (nothing wrong with that) as well as another reissued toys from last summer, the Nerf Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer). There’s also the re-released Iron Man Electric Helmet from the 2nd Iron Man film. Prices range from $12-$30, depending on the item. We also carry a line of Avengers masks/helmets (Thor, Iron Man, Cap) that run for about $15 each. And keep an eye out the the Hawkeye version of the Nerf Bow and Arrow, which will be out soonish I imagine.
Next up we have the “Ultimate Electric Avengers”, focusing of course on the Avengers’ trinity. As a nerd, I find the use of the word “Ultimate” humorous, because of how influential the “Ultimate” version of the characters were to the movie designs and eventually vice versa. All the characters have the ability to “make sounds and noises from the film” and each have a unique action figure. Cap can throw his shield, Thor can swing his hammer and Iron Man’s…has a light up chest. Huh. That’s…..something. Anyway, each of them retail for about $30 per figure, which for a 12″ figure that have lights and sounds and action functions, aren’t so bad.
Wrapping things up, we have the 3.5″ inch figures, in which Hasbro has hit the floor running with the volume of figures released so far. The single carded figures consist of a few comic and movie versions of the characters, mostly variants of Thor, Cap and Iron Man, as well as a Hulk, Loki and Ultimate Hawkeye. Obviously more characters will be released as the line progresses. There’s also some deluxe figures, packaged either with some air assault accessories that go for $20, or with vehicles, that go for $30. Expect more coverage on this figures as time goes on.
Hasbro is going all out for “The Avengers” which makes sense, as it’s a license to print money. If you like what I’ve shown ya, come by the store, or check out the store on our website, where you can probably save some $$$!