Doomsday Clock is ticking along. What it’s next strike will be is anybody’s guess. Last issue’s ending proved to be a comeback of sorts for an iconic character. Maybe you cringed. Maybe you chuckled. No matter what, you probably have questions. And there’s only one place where you, me, and everybody else is going to find the answer. Fortunately, we’ve got Doomsday Clock #3 coming to the shelves this Wednesday. Hopefully, some light will be shed on the major events from last month. But let’s face it, we’re on the third of twelve chapters, this isn’t where things start looking up for our “heroes.”
You have to give them credit Geoff Johns and Gary Frank have some intestinal fortitude for sure. There are certain characters in comics history whose deaths are considered sacred. And don’t get me wrong, the circumstances, context, and consequences vary. Gwen Stacy’s death was tragic and humbling to a young hero who would use it to drive him for the rest of his life. The night that Gwen Stacy died marked a turning point for Ol’ Webhead and provided a major step forward in his evolution. Now, other characters may have a more confined story to their death. In the influential Watchmen, a death catapulted the story into motion, became a tool for manipulation, and a tragic consequence for a madman’s plot to create a greater good.
Now, that madman and a few others he’s recruited have crossed over in this crossover. With Ozymandias and Rorshach in the proper Earth-Prime of the DC Universe, what havoc will the cause? I mean, one’s in the Batcave scarfing down Batman’s breakfast and the other just had a proverbial anvil dropped on his head meeting with Lex Luthor. Nothing will be the same. The way this story’s turning could be a sick joke that only one killer with an iconic smiley face might appreciate. But then again, there are all kinds of jokes and jokers at play in this story…
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