Wednesday means new comics, anyone reading this blog knows that. So, with that in mind I’d like to point you in the direction of a couple of books I’m looking forward to.
From DC Comics today, we have the Geoff Johns/Gary Frank interpretation of Superman’s modern origin in Superman: Secret Origin #1. Think of it as Geoff Johns’s way of doing Smallville. We also have the final issue of Wednesday Comics, DC’s brilliant effort at distributing comics the old fashioned way, in newspaper form. There were some beautiful stories in this including Paul Pope’s Adam Strange, Karl Kerschl’s The Flash, and the 100 Bullets team on Batman. I’m looking forward to seeing how they collect this astounding collection.
At Marvel we have the comic book form of Spider-Woman. Like I mentioned in my review of the motion comic, I think I like this book better in its natural format than this motion comic business.
The other book I really like is Immortal Weapons #3 featuring a story by Rick Spears. Frankly, one cannot get enough of a Rick Spears story, and I love anything involving the Iron Fist universe these days.
Other than that, its all I got. Happy Reading!