Domino is a character that’s rarely had a prolonged spotlight on her. She’s usually the guest-star or recurring character in other folks’ titles. In many ways, the tragedy is that Domino’s often by defined by her love life and her “assets” that artists portray her with. Now though, Gail Simone and David Baldeon are getting to the heart of the merc whose always got luck on her side. And what’s the first thing they do? Take everything she’s counted on away from her. You know what? It works in Domino #1.
The product of a failed super-soldier program, Neena Thurman is a sharpshooting mercenary that’s always made her own luck. Or at least always benefitted from her luck-based mutant powers. She’s capable of the impossible, heck she is the impossible in most ways. Now, though, what happens when her luck runs out? The sharpshooter is suddenly a target and there’s no miracle to make the bullet miss her. At least she’s got a pair of badasses by her side.
Having already read an advanced copy of this new solo series, I can wholeheartedly encourage you to put this at the top of your buy pile. Gail Simone seems rejuvenated with sly dialogue, powerful female friendships, and killer stakes to build off of. Right from page one there’s a quality to this comic that will endear itself to you. And then the next few pages deliver the thrills. Then comes the internal crisis followed by the cliffhanger ending. It’s a really well paced first issue. I’ve never been one to follow the adventures of Neena Thurman. Yet after this one issue, I feel like I know her better than she knows herself. And that’s a testament to creators getting the job done.
If you’re in the mood for a kickass new read this will fit the bill nicely. Charming, exciting, and character-driven, this first issue is a complete success for you to enjoy. The only question remaining is whetherDomino #2 keeps up the momentum generated by a creative team that is firing on all cylinders.
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