Jane Foster, the Mighty Thor, is going to die. You owe it to Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, and all of the other creators who’ve built her beautiful story to its zenith to read this Mighty Thor #705 this Wednesday. Why? Because it promises to be one of the most thrilling and poignant climaxes to any saga told in comics, certainly from recent memory. Now let’s just get to the where, when, and how of it, shall we?
Ugh, I’m writing this and I know I have to and I’m still not ready. But death doesn’t care if you’re ready. She’s ready for you and that’s all that matters. Unless you’re Thanos, in which case Death is the most elusive and mysterious and frustrating being ever. But screw that Mad Titan because Jane Foster is infinitely more important right now. For those of you without the benefit of, I don’t know, three out of five of your senses for the last couple of years, it’s well-known that Jane Foster is Thor. She holds the hammer! Now, she also has cancer. And transforming into the Goddess of Thunder is actually causing her cancer to progress. Thus, every time she does the heroic deed, she’s taking another step towards killing herself. Now, she’s been told that one holding Mjolnir one more time is going to be it. Dead. Done. Six feet under. But here’s the thing, too many lives are at stake.
Mangog is unstoppable. Agardia’s fate is hanging in the balance and the realm is on the brink of complete annihilation. Odinson and Odin himself are no match for Mangog at this point as both of them don’t have their full power boosts or whatever. So, what’s the Mighty Thor to do? With no one left to protect the realms from utter devastation, Jane Foster will have to wield the hammer for her final time. Damn it, just do everybody a favor and buy Mighty Thor #705 this week. Okay? Let’s all grieve together and celebrate the time with Jane FosThor we’ve been lucky enough to’ve had.
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