In a far-flung future where the heroes are dead, only Logan lives on. When the supervillains finally realized that if they put their heads together they could finally do away with all of those pesky good guys, they won. They won big. Hawkeye made a triumphant last stand in Vegas, but was betrayed by his own team. Half a world away, Wolverine was the betrayer. Deceived by Mysterio, he ended up killing all the X-Men. His closest friends. And that was the day he vowed to put away the claws forever.
Dragged back into the fight for the sake of paying rent (haven’t we all done terrible, horrible things for the sake of rent?), Hawkeye took him on a sightseeing tour of a country ruled by supervillains. They took the fight right to Red Skull’s White House doorstep. And won. But Old Man Logan still lost everything. He only had his life.
Yanked to the past he thought he’d lost by Secret Wars, Logan did everything in his power to prevent the future that had doomed him and save his friends. Along the way, he came to blows with his greatest foes, relived some of his most iconic stories—sometimes literally. It was a rip- roaring thrill ride right up until the end. And now, it is the end.

DEAD MAN LOGAN is the new twelve issue finale to the saga of Old Man Logan. Finally, after 58 issues of comics, Wolverine is going to go toe to toe with Mysterio. The man at the center of Logan’s greatest pain will meet his fate at the end of his claws. Logan’s terminal. He doesn’t have much time left. And if he’s going to go down, he’ll be taking Mysterio with him.
Embark on the final year of Logan’s life with DEAD MAN LOGAN #1 by Ed Brisson and Mike Henderson!
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