The end is no longer near, the end is indeed here! Dark Nights: Metal #6 bulldozes its way onto shelves this week. The conclusion to an epic, confusing, muddy, fun, frustrating, and cataclysmic storyline from the greedy brilliance of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Have they bitten off more than they can chew? Will all the threads dangled come together? This is the epitome of a leap of faith as a reader. And at the same time, that context is very much where DC’s greatest characters find themselves. The Dark Multiverse is on track to take over. Earth-Prime is sinking into it. The Forge has gone dark. A war cry from the depths of the planet rings out the last gasp of hope. What will a post-Metal DC Universe look like? It’s time…
Heroes from across the universe make their final charge into the unknown to battle the forces of the Dark Multiverse. Space, time, and probably continuity will collide. Every hero is on the hot seat at this moment. Batman and Superman are sinking into the molten liquid of a darkening World Forge. Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman are bloodied and battered against the Batman Who Laughs. Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Plastic Man, and Mr. Terrific are on Thanagar-Prime, seemingly too far removed from the final battlefield. Aquaman and Deathstroke are uncovering secrets of Antlantean history just in time to be ambushed by Black Manta and other Dark Batmen. And yet, as they all are faced with their ends believe that another of their team will succeed.
Therein lies the great tension of the climax we’re approaching this week. In the face of terrible trials we have faith in our friends to win the day but we have no proof they are capable of achieving victory. There’s only what has come before and our own unrelenting spirit to support that hope. But hope doesn’t require logic. Often, it thrives in the face of facts, for better or worse. How will the saga of Dark Nights: Metal, that began last summer, end? With a power chord or a broken string? Well, it’s got my money to find out.
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