Dark Nights: Metal #1 finally kicks off the massive multiverse-spanning event from DC Comics! Sparing no expense from the talent roster, the acclaimed superstar creative team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are reunited and it feels so good. The darkest corners of the DC Multiverse have only been hinted at but never witnessed until now! The Dark Multiverse will be revealed with all of its ominous dangers and the evil Batmen of other worlds will be coming to take down the heaviest guns of New Earth. Get ready for what could be the best event of 2017. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!
Look, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo conjured true magic with their five year run on Batman. It’s been celebrated and still is some of the bestselling trades in every comic book store around the world. When their epic adventures with the Dark Knight ended, Capullo and Snyder went their separate ways but they’ve always been planning for the biggest story of their careers. Now, they’re ready to deliver beginning with this weeks Dark Nights: Metal #1. After reading the preludes of Dark Days: The Forge #1 and Dark Days: The Casting #1, a lot of answers have been given and like the best answers in comics, it’s posed more interesting questions. Time for the main event!
Comic book crossovers are too prevalent today. And that’s predominantly due to the practices and the execution by Marvel and DC. Secret Empire’s wrapping up without too big of a splash having been made yet. We’ve all got the taste of Civil War II in our mouths and lets face it, Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad didn’t quite set the world on fire. Not bad but not memorable. Will this be the event to win back our jaded hearts that yearn for stakes and consequences? Or at least will it be executed well enough to not anger us when we don’t get as epic an aftermath as we hoped? Time to find out together.
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