The following originally ran in the Weekly Planet 10/10/18.
It’s that classic comic success story. A team of creators release a passion project #1. There’s no superheroes in it. It catches fire. Word of mouth is great. People buy it in droves. Suddenly, your creator-owned comic is sold out, a bonafide hit. Only one issue is out and the movie rights have been optioned. A star wants to turn your comic into the next big thing. After one issue. Such is the tale of CROWDED, the new smash hit from Image Comics.
CROWDED is a complete delight. Warm, bright, hilarious, insightful… I just can’t get over how much these first two issues have really blown me away. It’s lively and surefooted, truly funny and deeply engaging. I wish more new comics were as self-assured and intriguing as CROWDED.
The short premise: in a world taken over by the gig economy, one notable entrepreneur finds that someone has crowdfunded her murder. When the finest Craigslist assassins start hunting her down, our hero hires a bodyguard against the waves of amateur bounty hunters. Insightful, satirical, and surprising in countless ways, CROWDED is set to sweep you off your feet.
The whipsmart dialogue and plotting comes from Christopher Sebela (Harley Quinn, Evolution). Also the man behind the recent Image hit House Amok, Sebela ensures every page or scene is a standout. You instantly understand who these characters are and what they are about, even as they keep their true motives close to their chest. There is a consistent breezy tone to CROWDED that never overshadows the characters’ voices. Sebela has written out a world you want to get lost in.
That might just be possible with the beautiful art from Ro Stein & Ted Brandt (Princeless, Captain Marvel). Each panel is packed with career-best work from the team. Each motion made by the characters feels true. The action is kinetic and lively. There’s a spread in the first issue that absolutely bowled me over. CROWDED is such a clever, collaborative work from the whole team. I would proudly hang it from my wall.
There’s such great, consistent delivery in CROWDED. I hope this book is around for a long time to come. CROWDED #3 is out this week and is absolutely worthy of being added to your pull
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