Going to this weekend’s Chicago Con, C2E2? Dig comics? Dig music? Then you’ll want to hit up the Comics and Pop Music Panel, moderated by our buddy Patrick Reed, this Friday night. Aside from being super knowledgeable and enthusiastic (an understatement) about both subjects, Patrick’s put together quite an eclectic and interesting group of speakers to rap about it. Here’s the deets:
Speakers: Charles Soule (author, Twenty-Seven, Image Comics), Chris Powell (executive director of business development, Diamond Comics distributors), Dan Parent (artist, Archie Meets Kiss, Archie Comics), Jen VanMeter (author, Image Comics, Oni Press)
Comic Books and pop music started out as disposable forms delivered in small doses. Both forms became emblematic of youth culture and rebellion in the mid 20th century, faced endless censorship attempts, and have suffered critical reception from dismissive to derisive. Here, Patrick Reed (editor of Depth Of Field magazine) brings together and moderates a panel of artists and publishers to discuss the ties between music and graphic storytelling, their common inspirations, the creative and commercial potential in combining the two media, and the history of pop comics– from the Beatlemania tie-ins of the 60s to today’s fan-favorite titles.
Time/Location: Friday, April 13, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM, room N426b