Dynamite has been pushing this one hard with two page spreads and sending Christopher Hastings into your bedroom at night to whisper in your ear. The strange mind behind Gwenpool teams up with David Hahn (Batman ’66) for a reinvention of the classic TV series.
I’ve already written so much about this book. Pick up both collection, read the whole brilliant thing, and cry with me that it’s over.
Like The Americans but with Skrulls. A family of Skrull agents infiltrate our world, disguising themselves as the modern American family. Terrifying and timely.
The best and most consistent superhero book around. I will not apologize for this line I have drawn in the sand.
The most interesting Justice League book in years is this fringe book in the worlds of magic. Wonder Woman leads her squad of Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Man-Bat, & Detective Chimp on a quest to save magic… usually from itself.
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