When our cup runneth over with too many great titles to write about individually, we like to draft up a list of the most interesting comics hitting shelves this month.
Red Sonja #1
History meets fantasy. Mark Russell (Snagglepuss, The Flintstones) & Mirko Colak (Conan) bring one of history’s greatest warrior queen’s head to head with the absolute greatest warrior in comics. Expect thrilling action, incredible humor, and more than a dash of social commentary and existentialism as the face of Dynamite enters a new era.
Conan Epic Collection (Out of Darksome Hills)
There is a lot of Conan in the Weekly Planet and until I am forcibly removed kicking and screaming, that is not going to stop. Marvel’s releasing that good good Conan in his first Epic Collection. Kurt Busiek, Fabian Nicieza, and Cary Nord are just some of the amazing talent in this collection. Grab this before I have to keep yelling at you about Conan.
Female Furies #1
Some of King Kirby’s finest creations are back in the spotlight, and with perfect timing. With a New Gods movie on the horizon and Mister Miracle damn near topping every Best of 2018 list, there is no better time for the Female Furies to leap back into the spotlight. Big Barda forever!
Old Man Quill #1
Marvel seems determined to make “Old Man” basically its own imprint. And if Old Man Quill carries even a fraction of the incredibly quality over from his fellow olds Logan & Hawkeye, then I am more than okay with it. Follow my man Star-Lord as we see what happened to Marvel Cosmic after the night the heroes fell.
Punisher War Journal by Matt Fraction Volume 1
Marvel is finally collecting all of THE BEST PUNISHER STORIES (you heard me), in these Punisher by Matt Fraction Complete Collections. In the aftermath of Civil War, Frank Castle can’t abide by these supervillains turned self-appointed sheriffs. No, he can’t abide that one little bit.
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