Chad Coleman’s new graphic novel TREADWATER releases this week and Forbidden Planet NYC is proud to announce that the star of AMC’s The Walking Dead and and HBO’s The Wire will be here signing copies of the book from 10am-6pm on Saturday July 25th!!!
In addition to your copy of the book*, Chad will also sign any one collectible you want to bring with you, so break out those Tyreese action figures, your Walking Dead poster, a rubber hammer, boxing gloves, that “Cutty’s Gym” tee you screen printed, whatever ya got.
Treadwater is a new SF series published created by Morgan Rosenblum and published by Darkrose Studios. Here’s the skinny on it:
In the wake of a global economic meltdown, chaos erupts and the world’s safety is jeopardized by a new wave of crime and terror. A privately funded team of high tech special operatives is assembled, known as TREADWATER, the only force standing between hope and anarchy. As Germany forms it’s aggressive Stance behind a true military German patriot, General Kirklau, it becomes more than evident that the balance of global powers is all but obsolete. Governments and world-wide organizations have their hands tied as one wrong move by any of them could launch an all-out world war. Treadwater is the only organization taking a proactive stance to keep the world afloat, while others helplessly do just that – tread water.
While Chad is super duper awesome and will be sticking around for quite some time on Saturday to accommodate as many fans that come down to our gig, quantities of the book are limited and you’re encouraged to pre-order in advance. Pre-orders may be purchased in-store starting Monday the 20th; your receipt will be accompanied by a ticket to our event.
There will be a very limited number of copies available via mail order, but this allotment is expected to dry up fast and this option will be deactivated when we’re out, so get on it if you’d like a signed copy. Click here for mail order.
See ya Saturday!
*purchase of the Treadwater graphic novel from Forbidden Planet is mandatory to participate in this event.