A Plethora of Arts
So remember last week when I complained about the severe lack of new arrivals post-holiday and there was barely anything for me to talk about that WASN’T comic book related? Well don’t fret folks, that’s […]
So remember last week when I complained about the severe lack of new arrivals post-holiday and there was barely anything for me to talk about that WASN’T comic book related? Well don’t fret folks, that’s […]
As much as I’ve been enjoying the Reach toyline, there’s been one thing that’s been getting on my nerves: the lack of originality. Far too many of the multiplayer Spartans come in just one color […]
By Loran If there’s one thing I can’t stand in the video game world, is the current influx of “realistic military shooters”. I can’t explain why, but they just bug me. They all feel like […]
By Loran As my love for Power Core Combiners probably showed, I have a soft spot for toys with parts-swapping gimmicks. I can’t explain it, really! It just gives me so many hours of fun. […]
By Loran Gimmick figures tend to be kind of a mixed bag to me. By “gimmick” I don’t mean something like spring-loaded weapons or whatever, I mean something based around an idea, like say, a […]
by Chris Troy And we’re back! By now you’re probably all expecting me to start creaming my pants over the 2011 Marvel Universe offerings, and this WILL happen, but let me address my other picks […]
By Chris Troy My 2012 is off to a brutal start, as the first day of the year started with me having no power in half of my apartment for 4 days, but rebounded when […]
by Chris Troy If I had a clever intro, this is where it would go. Please take note of this To the left of these words is a picture of a figure of New Orleans […]
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG OF THE WEEK: From January 5-8, 2012, my ass will be at the MAGfest X (Magfest.org, which stands for Music and Games Festival) down in Maryland, and I highly encourage […]
by Chris Troy Super-late article this week, as I’m split between a new Bleeding Cool project, prepare to speak to the attendees of AnimeUSA down in DC this weekend, and trying to put as much […]
by Chris Troy Yeah, even I’ll admit the title for this article is a bit weak. Anywho FPNYC faithful, if you haven’t been by the store lately, you should probably check out the new display […]
By Chris Troy Happy Halloween FPNYC Faithful! Hope whatever you have planned for this/weekend doesn’t involve being dressed as M.O.D.O.K. and drinking a ton of tequila, because that’s my plan for the year (and as […]
By Loran I’ve always been kind of skeptical of McFarlane’s toys. As a kid I owned a few of the Terminator 3 figures they did. They were very… okay. Their sculpts were fantastic, don’t get […]
Attention Forbidden Planet NYC firends and customers! You are hereby invited to a super rad, FREE, Walking Dead event featuring Robert Kirkman this coming Friday night! It’s part of an all day multi-media jam, so […]
By Chris Troy I’m sure by now, you, the Forbidden Planet blog reader, are dying to know what I think of the Green Lantern movie, as well as the DC Reboot this upcoming September (If […]
From time to time I travel to anime conventions. While they are fun for anyone who is into this sort of thing there are some things you have to watch out for. I don’t just […]
By Loran You know how I said I wasn’t a big comic book fan as a kid? Weeeell, the same could sort of be said towards a lot of video games. I have a Playstation, […]
By Christopher Troy My name is Chris Troy, and this is my most favorite delayed action figure line in the galaxy! There’s a good chance that if you got that joke, you’ve played Mass Effect […]
By Chris Troy Happy delicious candy-season at your local Rite Aid/Walgreens/CVS/Duane Reed FPNYC faithful! As yet another commercialized holiday approaches, let it be known that Forbidden Planet has received a ton of new toys and […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers