Celebrate N7 Day with Our Online Mass Effect Sale
It’s November 7th, N7 Day 2017, and to celebrate our love of Mass Effect with our fellow fans we’re offering a bunch of toys, books, patches and more at deep discounts on our online store! […]
It’s November 7th, N7 Day 2017, and to celebrate our love of Mass Effect with our fellow fans we’re offering a bunch of toys, books, patches and more at deep discounts on our online store! […]
The Last of Us: American Dreams Faith Erin Hicks/Neil Druckman/Rachel Rosenberg Dark Horse #16.99 Instead of eating up the words count here, I tossed a wall of text up on my tumblr regarding PAX East […]
What is the haps Forbidden Planet Faithful? No time for crappy intro jokes, we got a ton of new stuff to look at, so let’s get to it! If you’re an avid gamer like me, […]
::: Vacuums after a lengthy absence ::: Yo apparently this blog begins and end with me if the lack of updates indicate anything. So Heroescon obviously has passed once again, and according to this article’s […]
Happy Cinco De Mayo FPNYC Faithful! I’m am currently sitting inside typing this up on a gorgeous day, so do me a solid and swing by the shop and by something during your tequila-fueled rampages! […]
Welcome back to FPNYC’s offical Bioshock blog (Blogshock? Bioblog?)!! “REAL” Bioshock fans will get the reference in the title, which only make sense if you own a TV. And continue to not comment on the […]
S’up FPNYC Faithful? This week I though I try something different and take some pictures of stuff I thought was neat IN-STORE, capturing our merchandise LIVE in it’s natural environment! And that doesn’t excite you, […]
Toy Fair has happen and me start this article by thanking whatever Hasbro employee is reading this site on the regular, or stalking me elsewhere, internet or in real life. The fruits of your research […]
Trolls trolling trolls, I swear. Apparently it’s been a whopping whole 1 week since the release of the last set of figures from Square Enix, so the company decided to release another 2 to make […]
I suppose a 2013 preview list should not be written 14 days into year, but I did a lot of traveling over the holidays, and acquired several video games of worth. If anything, SEGA should […]
Not to be outdone by fellow FPNYC blogger Unkie Dev, my wife and I also got an addition to our family this week. Only ours has come in the form of a cat. “Pixel” is […]
Holy crap it is really December?! Ugh, this means I need to buy multiple gifts for people. And by gifts I mean video games and gift cards. My friends are actually kind of easy to […]
Dear Mother Nature, YO, QUIT IT, SHIT’S PLAYED OUT! No love, Chris Troy Greeting FPNYC Faithful! If you’re anything like me (first off, let me say that I’m sorry to hear that), you’re quite tired […]
I’d make a clever pun regarding the heat but my brain is currently a pile of mush thanks to a combination of binge drinking over the weekend and said heat. That and I’m never clever, […]
by Chris Troy It’s been awhile hasn’t it FPNYC faithful! I would have written sooner, but I had a trinity of things keeping me away from blogging as of late, as my ass was in […]
by Chris Troy. I really hate typing out cliche stuff like “a dollar doesn’t buy you much these days, especially in NYC”, but considering how much it costs to ride the subway these days, it’s […]
By Loran I’ve always loved the vehicles in Halo. They really felt like the one thing that made the game stand out and reach its current level of popularity. Also, putting the vehicles in a […]
by Loran Don’t you miss the days when weapon packs were really common in “solider” toy lines? It was before my time, but I happen to recall G.I. Joe having one a year for several […]
By Loran Female Spartans in toy form aren’t something I really thought about until the Reach toyline. Much like female Stormtroopers, the idea of giving them a separate mold is actually kind of silly if […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers