Val’s Toy Chest- Heroes and Villains to Gather
As we get further and further away from the beginning of the year the toy releases are starting to trickle in slowly. I’ve got some intel on what Hot Toys we should be getting within […]
As we get further and further away from the beginning of the year the toy releases are starting to trickle in slowly. I’ve got some intel on what Hot Toys we should be getting within […]
Hello readers, it’s a new month here at Forbidden Planet and we’ve got some cool new toys coming in this week. Almost all the new toys releasing this week are characters from motion pictures past […]
Alright so y’all bought Hawkeye #11 this week right? You better have, because I’m going to be writing all about it. Soon. This time it’s all about toys. So we’ve gotten a but-ton (Ton O’ […]
REAL TALK (note how real that is with the use of capitalization, caps-lock AND italics): Forbidden Planet NYC tends to get a lot of stuff in on a weekly basis. Some of this stuff isn’t […]
Going to start this article off with a quick round of the comparison game. The subject? Doing it right in terms of female statues. As you all can see there’s 2 images of statues on […]
Welcome back to FPNYC’s offical Bioshock blog (Blogshock? Bioblog?)!! “REAL” Bioshock fans will get the reference in the title, which only make sense if you own a TV. And continue to not comment on the […]
It’s March, which means it’s no longer February. This is the basic concept of months and calendars people, what’s so hard to understand about it? It also being March means there are 2 video games […]
I have never gone up against a more frustrating model kit in my entire life. Now, earlier I spoke of how the Version Katoki kits are essentially the gold standards of Master Grades these days, […]
Toy Fair has happen and me start this article by thanking whatever Hasbro employee is reading this site on the regular, or stalking me elsewhere, internet or in real life. The fruits of your research […]
Trolls trolling trolls, I swear. Apparently it’s been a whopping whole 1 week since the release of the last set of figures from Square Enix, so the company decided to release another 2 to make […]
Square-Enix, I under you ma. You have stock-holders you have to impress. You gotta make sure that green is coming in, despite the fact that the Japanese gaming scene isn’t looking so hot these days. […]
I suppose a 2013 preview list should not be written 14 days into year, but I did a lot of traveling over the holidays, and acquired several video games of worth. If anything, SEGA should […]
Not to be outdone by fellow FPNYC blogger Unkie Dev, my wife and I also got an addition to our family this week. Only ours has come in the form of a cat. “Pixel” is […]
Holy crap it is really December?! Ugh, this means I need to buy multiple gifts for people. And by gifts I mean video games and gift cards. My friends are actually kind of easy to […]
Dear Mother Nature, YO, QUIT IT, SHIT’S PLAYED OUT! No love, Chris Troy Greeting FPNYC Faithful! If you’re anything like me (first off, let me say that I’m sorry to hear that), you’re quite tired […]
Good news everyone, it only took me 2 weeks to get back to y’all about the latest line of Marvel Universe figures! While that may seem like a long time, I assure you that…um…alright, I […]
::: Insert an 1,000 word capslock word-vomit article about San Diego Comic Con News and the arrival of his Figma Samus Aran figure here:: Honestly, if I could get away with that folks, I would. […]
Greetings FPNYC faithful! It’s been nearly 2 months since yours truly hit up any sort of convention, so I’m going to put that to an end this weekend as I head down to Heroescon in […]
E3 (which you all should know as a “Big Honking Video Game Trade Show”) is currently going down in California this week, where the likes of Sony, Nintendo Microsoft and dozens of more developers and […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers