Summer HGUC Releases.
By Loran Summer’s almost here, folks, and that means one thing-a lot more time to work on Gunpla! Yeah, screw going outside and being social, it’s time to build some PLASTIC ROBOTS! Bandai seems to […]
By Loran Summer’s almost here, folks, and that means one thing-a lot more time to work on Gunpla! Yeah, screw going outside and being social, it’s time to build some PLASTIC ROBOTS! Bandai seems to […]
By Chris Troy While I’ve been known to sing the praises of the Marvel Legends line here on the FPNYC blog, it’s worth noting that Diamond Comics/Art Asylum’s Marvel MiniMates line has been around just […]
By Loran Hi, I’m Loran and I have an MSV addiction. I just love these designs. Something about taking existing suits like the GM and Zaku and modifying them to serve a specific purpose really […]
By Loran Boy, I can’t leave well enough alone, can I? Last week I expressed how much I was displeased with the Spidey figure I have from the 2010 Spider-man line. It’s a shame that […]
Can you believe we have one of these in-stock at the moment. Thank you Matchbox for putting this cuddly child murderer out into our world. My awesome girlfriend got me one of these a few […]
By Chris Troy I genuinely feel bad for all of you who have stuck with Brightest Day. I dropped the latest Geoff John’s Retcon-Murderporn mini-series 5 issues in, when I realized the only characters I […]
By Loran You really have to love some of the concepts in the original Mobile Suit Gundam. While effectively the first “real robot” series, a lot of concepts from super robot shows still kind of […]
By Loran When I saw these new Spider-man figures on the shelves, I was a bit confused. Was there some new cartoon out that I hadn’t heard of? Well, I guess Hasbro realized the power […]
by Chris Troy Good evening/afternoon/evening FPNYC faithful (I’m making sure I’m covering all my timezone, depending on your internet reading habits.)! Sorry for the delay in this weeks articles, but I’m coming off of a […]
By Loran In the same way I have a huge love for urban warfare-themed Joes, I love Transformers that turn into any kind of “rescue” vehicle—police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, whatever. There’s something delicious to […]
By Loran Like I said in the Alley Viper review, I love urban combat. Gray, white, and black camo; shotguns; close-quarters combat; ducking in and out of alleyways-it all just hits me in the right […]
By Loran No matter what the environment, Cobra’s got a specialized trooper just for that purpose. Whether it be the city, the desert, the arctic, or the jungle, chances are, the Joes are going to […]
By Loran Haha, oh Tracks… you’re certainly one of the more “entertaining” characters in G1. Yeah, the whole “Tracks is gay” thing got played out way too much by the fandom and it kinda got […]
By Christopher Troy Let me start this article off by saying thank you to the 4 of you who actually read these posts. I know people do, because whenever I bring up a Figma or […]
by Christopher Troy Sorry for the later article everyone, but I came back from PAX East in Boston late this past Sunday night, and I still haven’t had time to recover, what with work and […]
By Loran Everybody loves the Dinobots! They’re probably one of the most endearing sub-teams in Transformers lore, to the point where they even got not one but TWO sublines devoted just to them. That’s impressive. […]
By Loran I’ve always had a thing for military Autobots, and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because we don’t see them too often. I feel the same way about Decepticons that transform into fast […]
By Chris Troy One of my personal highlights at NY Toy Fair this past February was Hasbro’s announcement of the return of making 6″ figures once again, in the same vein of Marvel Legends. Long […]
By Loran Destro has always been one of my favorite characters in G.I. Joe lore. I find the idea of a big, intimidating Scotsman who wears a metal mask selling weapons to both sides just […]
By Loran Love him or hate him, ever since he became a big movie start with the 2007 movie, Bumblebee’s back to being a huge part of Transformers lore. It’s a good thing, too, because […]
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