Retroview: Marvel Legends Wasp
By Loran Alright, so after a few more articles on Joes and whatnot, it’s time to go back to another figure from Toybiz’s Marvel Legends days. Let’s look at another girl, and the first lady […]
By Loran Alright, so after a few more articles on Joes and whatnot, it’s time to go back to another figure from Toybiz’s Marvel Legends days. Let’s look at another girl, and the first lady […]
By Chris Troy Happy Halloween FPNYC Faithful! Hope whatever you have planned for this/weekend doesn’t involve being dressed as M.O.D.O.K. and drinking a ton of tequila, because that’s my plan for the year (and as […]
Matt D. (your gregarious host) and Morgan Pielli (your intrepid cameraman and director) took a trip to this year’s New York Comic Con. The sights! The sounds! The…smells! It’s a sensory overload, and you just never know when inspiration […]
By Loran Oh, Duke… as I’ve said before I’m not a Duke fan. The Joe team belongs to Hawk, no questions asked. But, the Renegades cartoon made Duke somewhat cool, by playing him off as […]
By Loran The Renegades keep marching in now, with another constant of the G.I. Joe Universe: Snake-Eyes! Yeah, I figured I should just get the “big three” out of the way first, or else I’d […]
by Chris Troy ::: Coughs for several minutes before vomiting up several organs of varying importance::: Once again, New York Comic Con has come and gone, this time giving me a case of the death, […]
By Loran G.I. Joe Renegades was probably my favorite incarnation of G.I. Joe of all time. In many ways it felt like G.I. Joe how I would have done it, namely the whole “Cobra is […]
By Loran I’ve always been kind of skeptical of McFarlane’s toys. As a kid I owned a few of the Terminator 3 figures they did. They were very… okay. Their sculpts were fantastic, don’t get […]
In stock now and pretty neat-o!
By Loran I’m really starting to think I need to put more “rhythm” into my comic character collecting… I got Deadpool before any of the other X-Men, Ms. Marvel before Captain Marvel; I own Iron […]
by Chris Troy Hey FPNYC faithful, in a few short hours, yours truly will be at the Javitis Center, fan-gasming over the nerdfest that is the 2011 New York Comic Con. Despite being a show […]
Take a break from the Con this weekend for some great deals at Forbidden Planet NYC! *Existing discounts or specials; e.g. Magic the Gathering Booster Packs, Student Discounts, Manga Deals; do not apply.
By Loran With episode of four of Gundam Unicorn just around the corner and Gundam AGE having just premiered a few days ago, it’s time to look at some new upcoming kits! Let’s see what […]
By Chris Troy HOWDY FPNYC FAITHFUL! We are only a few short days away from New York Comic Con, and as of the time of writing, FPNYC is SOLD OUT of all passes for the […]
By Loran I’m very much in the camp of “If you have Vipers, why would you need Cobra Troopers?” and vice versa. It just makes things confusing when you have two sets of grunts to […]
By Loran For awhile now, I’ve been wanting to do some reviews of older toys; namely stuff from more than five years ago. Covering new stuff is great, don’t get me wrong, but there are […]
By Loran In my… unfortunately limited experience with comics (seriously, I’m working on it!), there are a few characters I’ve really taken a liking to, and one of them is Ms. Marvel, and I can’t […]
by Loran Larger 3.75” figures tend to be pretty hit or miss. Once in awhile, you can get something great like the Resolute/Rise of Cobra sculpt for Roadblock from G.I. Joe; a great interpretation of […]
by Chris Troy Say what you will about the new 52, but DC has managed to keep everyone talking about their comics since the announcement months ago. Marvel on the other hand, had a great […]
By Chris Troy It’s been awhile Forbidden Planet Faithful! I’m back after spending some down in Orlando (I rode on Star Tours, YAY!) and now I’m once again ready to tell you what new stuffs […]
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