Val’s Toy Chest- Star Wars Goes Solo
Hasbro has been merchandising Star Wars for decades now and has tied into every film with at least a few figures per movie- this Friday, the Solo movie gets their due and we will have […]
Hasbro has been merchandising Star Wars for decades now and has tied into every film with at least a few figures per movie- this Friday, the Solo movie gets their due and we will have […]
Thor Ragnarok was recently released on home media and Diamond Select has some new merchandise ready to go from the film. One of their longest running lines, Marvel Select sees a brand new Thor figure from […]
It has been a while since we’ve had a huge Funko shipment, but this week we’ve gotten some long-awaited POPs in. Let’s take a look at what is here! Avengers: Infinity War: We have already […]
Not more than a week after we received the Spider-Man Marvel Legends wave, another Legends wave from the fine folks at Hasbro has dropped. Fans of the Merc with the Mouth can now rejoice with […]
It seems like Hasbro is releasing a Marvel Legends series once a month these days. We are all just recovering from the Avengers: Infinity War Series 1 figures as well as the Marvel Riders sets, […]
Toy Fair is mainly about the DC and Marvel toys for me, but there are so many more licenses and properties to choose from if you’re not a comic character fan. Whether it is Star […]
DC Toys in my opinion, did not have the strongest showing at Toy Fair this year, but there were a few factors that influenced my feelings on this. This doesn’t mean I am not looking […]
Marvel has had a great week with the release of their most recent film, Black Panther and they look as if they will rule the toy aisle this year as well. First and foremost is Hasbro’s […]
By the time you read this column, I will have turned another year older. This being Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d take a brief look at famous comic book couples whom have been immortalized in […]
It isn’t a huge toy week this week, so I figured we could talk about some toy news and toy rumors as we get closer to Toy Fair. News: Deadpool Legends and Spider-Man Legends full […]
Fresh off his silver screen appearance in last year’s Thor: Ragnarok, the Hulk is back as a jumbo-sized action figure from Diamond Select. Clad in his gladiator outfit, the Hulk is sure to be a […]
“The Man of Your Dreams Is Back!” was one of the taglines for 1985’s A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge. It just so happens that this week- Freddy is back- on our toy […]
As we move closer to the end of January, there are some incoming toys that you should know about. There are quite a few coming from Sideshow including a couple of Hot Toys as well […]
Here’s a selection of what we’ve received from Funko so far this month. 2018’s looking like another banner year for our #1 toy supplier! Click any pic to enter the gallery of full-size images and […]
The Black Panther Marvel Legends wave hit a brief hiccup but have finally arrived on our shelves this week. There are also a few restocks worth mentioning as well. Here’s what’s out at the Planet […]
Happy New Year! As we wrapped last year up, some new toys started to arrive for the new year with more on the way soon. What’s coming out, you ask? Let’s take a look! Mattel […]
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2017, there’s no better time for my favorites of the year Some of this stuff is still available on our shelves, while others are long gone- my only […]
We are just a few days away from Christmas, so here’s one last gift guide for y’all before the main event. This time, the focus will be on items from the license that is near […]
As we get closer to the end of 2017, one of the most anticipated films of the year will be hitting theaters this weekend. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is about to come out and […]
December snuck up on us pretty quickly this year it seems, so this week, I will be presenting the first part of my holiday gift guide. The focus this week will be on Marvel toys […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers