Val’s Toy Chest- Heroes and Villains Day 2/New Arrivals
There’s toy news this week as well as the second part of my Heroes and Villains experience- let’s dive right in! The second day at Heroes and Villains was as awesome as the first, this […]
There’s toy news this week as well as the second part of my Heroes and Villains experience- let’s dive right in! The second day at Heroes and Villains was as awesome as the first, this […]
Saga fans have a lot to look forward to and a lot to be upset about all in one fell swoop this week. First off- the long-awaited Lying Cat plush doll is finally in stock. […]
It was an eventful weekend for yours truly as I took a trip out to Eternal Con at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, Long Island with fellow FP employee Justin Bacolo. There’s […]
Funko kicks off this week’s column as we’ve gotten several new items from them that are still fresh in my mind. I also have some really cool toy news to share from one of my […]
This week’s issue of the Weekly Planet is dedicated to the huge crossover events that have defined DC and Marvel comics for the past three decades. In that vein, this week’s column is dedicated to […]
It is convention season as comic cons will begin their summer reign as soon as this weekend. MegaCon is taking place in Florida over this coming Memorial Day weekend, next weekend is Wizard World Philadelphia […]
This week’s issue of the Weekly Planet is an all-villain issue, so this column is a tribute to some of the bad guys and gals of the toybox. Whether they originated in the movies, TV […]
DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO AVOID POTENTIAL ARROW/FLASH/LEGENDS OF TOMORROW SPOILERS. Hey guys- at the beginning of this season on Arrow, a mysterious death that is supposed to stick was teased on the […]
DC Collectibles has let me down- no new Laurel Lance/Black Canary figure nor any of the other figures that were supposed to ship this week. The next estimated date these have is in June. Hopefully […]
She’s here! Actually that phrase applies to a couple of items we have received over the past week and a half. I mentioned in last week’s article that we’d gotten our shipping notice for the […]
Hi guys- got some more photos today at Toy Fair- here’s some of the cool DC stuff coming out sometime this year! Mezco’s Shazam!, Reverse Flash, Green Arrow and Flash from their One: 12 Collective Line. […]
Hi guys and gals- I have returned from my first day at Toy Fair and there is so much to talk about this year that I am going to split the news over the next […]
It’s a relatively light toy week at the Planet, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about some of the forthcoming product that we’ve already seen before Toy Fair reveals the rest of […]
It’s a brand new week here at the Planet and I definitely have some cool toys to discuss in this column. The majority of our toy news has to do with DC Comics and their […]
Hi Readers! As you know and probably lived through, we had a horrendous winter storm in NYC this past weekend and thus my planned column on the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest that took place […]
As we get further and further away from the beginning of the year the toy releases are starting to trickle in slowly. I’ve got some intel on what Hot Toys we should be getting within […]
Hello Readers! It is another new week at the Planet and though there isn’t a lot scheduled to come in this week- there’s still product that we’ve either gotten or are getting in within the […]
It has been quite an eventful year in the worlds of fantasy, sci-fi, comics and horror. We’ve lost a few stars of the genre this year including the beloved Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy), sassy librarian […]
It has been a busy weekend at the Planet- so much so, that I actually didn’t get to see the complete list of what’s coming in this week. I know we will be getting the […]
There’s just one shopping weekend left til Christmas and this one is full of DC Collectibles goodness. There have also been a few new things out within the last couple of days that I will […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers