Val’s Toy Chest- Heroes and Villains to Gather
As we get further and further away from the beginning of the year the toy releases are starting to trickle in slowly. I’ve got some intel on what Hot Toys we should be getting within […]
As we get further and further away from the beginning of the year the toy releases are starting to trickle in slowly. I’ve got some intel on what Hot Toys we should be getting within […]
It has been quite an eventful year in the worlds of fantasy, sci-fi, comics and horror. We’ve lost a few stars of the genre this year including the beloved Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy), sassy librarian […]
There’s just one shopping weekend left til Christmas and this one is full of DC Collectibles goodness. There have also been a few new things out within the last couple of days that I will […]
There’s a lot going on this week in toys with a few items making their way back in and some new product appearing for the first time. We should be getting some of the Previews […]
Make Comics Like the Pros… One of the year’s best-selling tutorial books, by Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente- two of the most prolific comics writers working today! ($23) $7.99 Star Wars Black Jabba the Hutt… […]
A long time ago in a comic book shop far, far away… all your holiday shopping was taken care of in one shot! Just spend a few minutes with me and I’ll fill you with […]
Summer is back, and if it’s not personal this time, I’d be shocked. I’m spare you the exact details of sweat I’ve produced so far this weekend, but just know that it’s been A LOT. […]
Toy Fair has happen and me start this article by thanking whatever Hasbro employee is reading this site on the regular, or stalking me elsewhere, internet or in real life. The fruits of your research […]
Part 1: I love Chris Ware. Bit redundant to say so this holiday season with everyone and their sister buying Building Stories, but with so much comic awesomeness that happened in 2012; between Charles Burn’s […]
So here we are at my second column of TRY SOMETHING NEW! already. Wasn’t too pleased with how the the first one came out, 20/20 hindsight and all, but we press on. New comics wait […]
Star Wars collectors!!! The only truly indispensable archive of action figures from a galaxy far, far away is in stock NOW! World famous SW expert Stephen Sansweet (author of more than a few of my […]
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