Slow January For Manga
By Mat K. I’m opening this week with sorry for missing everyone last week. There was a lot of post New Year’s counting and inventory that needed to be done, so I passed the torch […]
By Mat K. I’m opening this week with sorry for missing everyone last week. There was a lot of post New Year’s counting and inventory that needed to be done, so I passed the torch […]
By Mat K. What work? Well, Katsura Hoshino’s D Gray Man Volume 19 comes in this week, and I still love this series. Every volume ends on a cliffhanger, and reveals something new and interesting. […]
By Mat K. So, there is a lot of interesting stuff coming in this week, surely not the kind of week to scoff at, and definitely the kind of week in which you should just […]
Mad dash? Why yes. Remember last week, when I mentioned how there were a ton of books coming out and I wasn’t sure if it was August coming early, or just a lucky week for the end of July? Well, as it turns out, July was just a very lucky month. And I mean that in the sense that just one week later, the first official release week of August, is another ton of books, both new and long awaited, that I know you are all going to be anxious to read. So let’s jump right in with the first of many interesting things, The Bleach Official Bootleg: Color Bleach+. This indispensable guide takes you behind the scenes of the shadowy world of the Soul Reapers. Read all about the illustrious Thirteen Court Guard Companies, study for the grueling entrance exam to Soul Reaper Academy, get tips on fighting effectively, take the personality quiz and more. This book includes 72 pages of full-color manga spun off from the original Bleach story. […]
So, the title for this weeks article is fairly self-explanatory. This week we say farewell to a title as it’s final issue is here, and then we welcome a new title by a couple of your favorite creators. Muhyo & Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation ends in a blast this week with Volume 18. If you all remember from the last volume everything hit the fan and every able body went to the Magic Law School in Europe that had been overrun by ghosts, and one of those ghosts was sucking the energy out of all the major Magic Law users, oh, and Muhyo could not keep his eyes open and kept falling into a deep sleep.In this final issue Muhyo has finally woken from his long slumber, but will his prodigious display of power be enough to stop Vector? Moreover, will Muhyo and Roji be able to keep it together when it seems like everything and everyone is threatening to drag the duo apart? […]
So, today’s title is pretty self explanatory, oh yeah, manga is first on the block, followed by Magic: The Gathering, which I know isn’t exactly anime related like you guys are used to reading in my columns, but hey, this is the Manga and Gaming department up here on the second floor of Forbidden Planet NYC, I have a little bit of a duty to go on about whatever I deem necessary. Besides, to be perfectly frank, there are only a hand full of manga titles coming in this week, and I doubt I could fill this entire article with the stuff that is arriving. […]
One might expect a little more excitement from a week in the middle of the summer, but all is not lost, there are still quite a few interesting things, some old friends as well as brand new faces. Okay, enough with the personifying of manga, here’s the beef: Inu Yasha Volume 50 shows up this week, and aside from being proud that they finally picked up the pace of it’s production, we must celebrate that it finally made it to this milestone. And by celebrate, I mean buy. It seems to me lately that a lot of people still like Inu Yasha, even miss it, but by and large have lost interest in the progression of the story. Well, for anyone keen on learning the origins of the powers of the brothers’ great swords, and to see Naraku try to corrupt the purity Kagome instilled in the Shikon jewel, it is still dramatic and exciting as before. Besides, who doesn’t love watching Inu Yasha and Sesshomaru duke it out? […]
By Mat K. Okay, so there are a lot of nifty things coming in this week, and right now we have to go over the first and fore most: Darker Than Black Omnibus Edition written […]
By Mat K. In case you guys out there have not been keeping up with the new releases on our website, you have to know that there is a lot going on this week. It […]
So this week is a small release week in quantity, barely even ten things are coming out, but the good news is, this week belongs t Dark Horse who is releasing a few choice titles for you guys. First on the list is the amazingly belated Hellsing Volume 10 by Kohta Hirano. Now this is supposed to be the final volume, and from what has been happening since Volume 9, it damn well better be. Aside from the fact that I don’t think the fan base can wait another however many years for an 11th Volume, let’s face it, I’ve been into the series since high school, it has been about 10 years, it’s time for it to end. Just as long Alucard…and therefor Allegra, ends up on top. […]
Oh yeah, let the dark, eerie, and gothic fans herald their day for it is here. No I’m not just being dismal, but it is a little funny how one of the dark titles coming in this week is Black Butler Volume 2 by Yana Toboso, which just saw the release of Volume 1 last week. It is almost as if it was rushed just to meet with the other eerie series coming in this week. In this issue Jack the Ripper is on the loose and Queen Victoria demands Ciel Phantomhive and his superhuman(ish) butler the head up the investigation. Of course what will happen when the investigation takes a surprising turn? […]
By Mat K. Welcome to another exciting issue of your favorite manga updater. I know some of you are wondering what legend, and why is it continuing? A) I like Kung Fu, the old show, […]
By Mat K. Don’t worry folks, the manga news isn’t phased out this week, I can still get to it in a minute. But for all of you who come upstairs know that aside from […]
Welcome boys and girls to the first release week of March, and it all belongs to Viz. The Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat go flying this week and I’m sure you’ll be getting a little giddy. First on my “things I’ve been waiting for” list is Tegami Bachi Volume 2. It’s a little annoying that it’s going to be taking so long to release the indiviudal volumes, but that’s the price we pay when a series is also being run in Shonen Jump magazine. WaqWaq and Tegami Bachi both released they’re first volumes at the same time. And while WaqWaq itself has not been entirely punctual, as much as I love it, at least it has made it as far as the third book already. Now we finally get to see the second book of Tegami Bachi, and I’m ready for more of it’s twilight watercolor style, (that’s twilight as in the time between sun and moon). […]
Okay, before I get into the manga spiel for the week, let me start with talking about the new Pokemon set. As most of you Poke-Fans out there know, the new game “HeartGold SoulSilver” is set to release. So of course there is the brand new card expansion bearing the same name. Just as with the first Diamond & Pearl set, the new HeartGold SoulSilver features three new decks instead of just 2. The decks feature new awesome art editions of Meganium for the Growth Clash deck (grass and fighting), Feraligator for the Mind Flood deck (water and psychic), and Typhlosion on the Ember Spark deck (fire and electricity). […]
Why is this week so awesome? Well, it is the first week of February and Viz has decided its time once again to avalanche us with titles. And I mean that in a good way. First and foremost, Naruto Volume 47 is here, and you know you fans have been fiending for it. Pain is attacking Konoha and they’ve taken heavy damages. The toads are doing the best they can but it won’t be enough. Even Toad Sage Naruto can’t handle all the death and destruction, and no one can tell if it’s for better or worse when one more death causes him to sprout 8 out of his 9 demon tails. […]
Wow, it’s good to be back. The holidays this year were so nuts that we had to take a little hiatus. If any of you came by shopping last week you must have noticed that there were no new releases at all, in fact the only comics were some Fall Of Hulks thing and a Blackest Night issue. The good news is that it’s the first release week of the month and that means a million books you know you’ve been waiting for. […]
Ohayo gozaimasu fellow anime fans. This week the manga news is small, but definitely still interesting. So let’s start with the big names. Vampire Hunter D the Manga Volume 4 comes in this week. I know with the 13th novel showing up just last week, all the D fans out there must be having a great December…or at least their friends know what to get them for Christmas. One Piece Volume 23 also makes it’s debut. […]
This is our special Pre-Christmas issue, which I know might sound like it’s coming late, considering you have been listening to Christmas music on the radio and watching Christmas shopping commercials on TV for weeks now, but I believe that the Christmas Spirit shouldn’t hit until December…or at least after Thanksgiving. And here we are. Besides, this is the first week of December, which as usual means a ton of stuff is coming out, and quite honestly some awesome stuff to boot. […]
If you found the last two weeks of insane releases a tad hard on the wallet, you will be thrilled this week, there are less than ten titles showing up. Don’t get me wrong this week makes up for it in quality. It seems to be the kind of week for all those manga that regular people (ie: not otaku) read, Oishinbo Volume 6, Black Jack Volume 8, Pluto Volume 6, Vagabond Volume 30, and while those are all well and amazing, there is also Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 21, which came out really quickly this time around, Case Closed Volume 32 comes around, and Gurren Lagann Volume 3 is here. Like I said, it’s a pretty awesome week right? […]
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