Celebrate LGBTQ History Month with Comics
In honor of LGBTQ history month, here are four comics by queer creators. Tillie Walden – On a Sunbeam Walden’s world building is a stand out. I want to explore the farthest corners of On […]
In honor of LGBTQ history month, here are four comics by queer creators. Tillie Walden – On a Sunbeam Walden’s world building is a stand out. I want to explore the farthest corners of On […]
Hi guys- I’m doing something a little different this week as I am not just going to talk about toys, but also about what I’ve been currently reading. The goal of Val’s Toy Chest is […]
Young Avengers by Gillen Omnibus HC… ($50) $19.99 One Piece Volume 1… ($10) $3.99 UglyDoll Wage 13 inch plush… ($20) $7.99 All New Invaders TP Vol 01… ($18) $6.99 *Forbidden Planet’s DAILY DEALS are updated […]
HUGE manga release tomorrow… Attack on Titan volume 12! This series is kinda popular. Volume 12 is shipping to mail order customers now, and goes on sale at Forbidden Planet NYC at 9am on Tuesday […]
With the exception of Gundam Unicorn, new Gundam merchandise in the US has been kind of rare these days, to say the least. Ever since Bandai Entertainment kicked the bucket, all DVD sales have pretty […]
Hey lucky readers, I am back from the great state of Seattle in time to phone it in from my apartment. And what a phoning it in this will be. Last week’s column was brutal […]
On Friday, November 23rd–yes, that would be Black Friday–Forbidden Planet NYC is holding an IN-STORE SALE! For that day only, take 25% off all graphic novels and manga in stock, plus 10% off everything else! […]
That’s right. We’re discounting EVERYTHING in our store on Wednesday, July 4th. We don’t do this often (maybe once a year… maybe), so come on by and take advantage! Plus, this year the 4th […]
Matt D. (your gregarious host) and Morgan Pielli (your intrepid cameraman and director) took a trip to this year’s New York Comic Con. The sights! The sounds! The…smells! It’s a sensory overload, and you just never know when inspiration […]
Take a break from the Con this weekend for some great deals at Forbidden Planet NYC! *Existing discounts or specials; e.g. Magic the Gathering Booster Packs, Student Discounts, Manga Deals; do not apply.
By Shannon H. Well, this week sure leaves me happy, since three of the six or so books that I’m actively collecting right now are making their appearance (anyone familiar with this column doesn’t need […]
In case some of the people who are reading this happen to be superhero fans of the DC/Marvel persuasion, there is a series you should consider as your stepping stone into the world of Japanese […]
Obviously the book that is going to rush off the shelves this week is the second-to-last Full Metal Alchemist volume. That shouldn’t surprise anyone, but the excitement that’s building as the story dwindles to a […]
Join us for a special event to celebrate the new printing of the Sailor Moon manga and the first time ever printing of Code Name Sailor V via Kodansha comics with a trivia contest, presentation […]
This nerd is still out, pretending like she’s a legit college student, going to university football games and stuff while out and about. No longer does she have the right to judge bros who come […]
Still out on my crazy adventure. A rather bold party mix of manga this week, FP faithful, and certainly something for everyone! There’s some shoujo, some shounen, and I decent peppering of yaoi on top! […]
Hello FP otaku! You may have noticed me missing from my usual haunt upstairs in our super awesome anime loft, and that is because I am currently out on the road, dialing in news about […]
So you read Death Note and you loved the poop out of it. Now you’re thirsty for more and ready to graduate into the big leagues, but reading just some other shonen title isn’t enough […]
Because I’m secretly waiting for a talking black cat to appear and tell me that I’m actually Sailor Mars, I’ve been practicing my divination skills: the spirits tell me that the next big explosion in […]
By Shannon H The manga release list this week has been culled back from the usual extravaganza we’ve been getting used to as of late. For me, the most exciting of the new books is […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers