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Comic News

More On The State of Comics…

Guillermo Del Toro, the brilliant director behind Pan’s Labyrinth and the Hellboy feature films is an enigma. He loves comic books, but has no interest in working with them whatsoever. Sure, he’s adapted the Hellboy […]

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Card Games

Star Wars Games

Here on Earth we use games of both the card and video variety to distract ourselves from the misery of our daily existence. Logically, who wants to be an unemployed barber when you can be an attractive 60th level elf woman who rides a tiger? A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, however, life was different. Games in the Star Wars universe were utilized for a variety of purposes, such as degrading droids, stealing space ships or just shooting whining farmers with lasers from a robot piñata until they learn to chillax. […]

Card Games

Manga And Magic; New Manga 7-21-10

So, today’s title is pretty self explanatory, oh yeah, manga is first on the block, followed by Magic: The Gathering, which I know isn’t exactly anime related like you guys are used to reading in my columns, but hey, this is the Manga and Gaming department up here on the second floor of Forbidden Planet NYC, I have a little bit of a duty to go on about whatever I deem necessary. Besides, to be perfectly frank, there are only a hand full of manga titles coming in this week, and I doubt I could fill this entire article with the stuff that is arriving. […]

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Warcraft With A Vengeance

There’s not a tremendous amount of stuff coming out this week, but there are some good ones, and almost all of it seems to be TokyoPop as they try to take back the reigns at the end of the month. First in their arsenal this week, (I’m not sure why first exactly, it’s not alphabetical or anything), is World Of Warcraft: Shadow Wing “The Dragons Of Outland”, written by Richard A. Knaak and illustrated by Jae-Hwan Kim. Yup it’s one hell of a title, and a pain for the computer systems, but it’s also a direct sequel to the Sunwell Trilogy from a couple years ago. At the end of the Sunwell Trilogy the blue dragon Tyri, and the human paladin Jorad left the Ghostlands. Unfortunately they get sucked through a dark portal and end up in Outland where the Orcs and other species come from. And there they discover a breed of dragons unlike any they have ever seen. Find out if they can control this strange, mutated army before it over takes them. […]

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What is Catan?

By Devin T. Quin Thanks to the Internet we now live in a world of instant gratification, where vast fortunes and celebrity careers are launched and lost with just a few clicks of a mouse.  […]

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Card Games

Black Gods and Soul Eaters: Shonen and Gaming Manga

Okay, before I get into the manga spiel for the week, let me start with talking about the new Pokemon set. As most of you Poke-Fans out there know, the new game “HeartGold SoulSilver” is set to release. So of course there is the brand new card expansion bearing the same name. Just as with the first Diamond & Pearl set, the new HeartGold SoulSilver features three new decks instead of just 2. The decks feature new awesome art editions of Meganium for the Growth Clash deck (grass and fighting), Feraligator for the Mind Flood deck (water and psychic), and Typhlosion on the Ember Spark deck (fire and electricity). […]

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Incredible Hulk Games

One of the best video games of 2009 was Eidos Interactive’s Batman: Arkham Asylum. The game’s success can be attributed to its skillful blending of stealth and fighting play style, coupled with tight level and character designs. Helping out the title’s awesome factor was the fact that it did star Batman. […]

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Card Games

Spider-Man Games

It would be the acme of foolishness to bake Spider-Man a rhubarb pie, as way of reciprocation, should he save you from one of the Green Goblin’s pumpkin bombs. Don’t get me wrong. Pies are nice, but as we all know: ACTION is the Spider-Man’s TRUE reward.

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Release for Magic The Gathering Cards

I know all you loyal Shibuya-Cho readers out there look forward to the weekly manga and anime updates, but this week something special came up, and being the guy upstairs, I felt this time we needed to share the love…and article space. […]