Brightcast in-store Playday and Signing
Gamers, it’s your turn to step up. Join us at Forbidden Planet NYC on March 30th from 12-6PM for a BRIGHTCAST In-store Playday! Meet Nick Forker and Hugh Kramer the creators of Brightcast, the brand […]
Gamers, it’s your turn to step up. Join us at Forbidden Planet NYC on March 30th from 12-6PM for a BRIGHTCAST In-store Playday! Meet Nick Forker and Hugh Kramer the creators of Brightcast, the brand […]
Kicking off our new series of weekly game sales is the brand new Yu-Gi-Oh set, Speed Duel. Take the speed and tenacity of play up to the next level with this hot off the presses […]
There’s a vast store of treasure deep beneath the soil. Guarding it are a nest of deadly dragons. Be the first to get your hands on it, or be the first to bite the blade. […]
Are you the kind of person who gets into hours long fights with your friends about which superhero would win in a fight, or whether pirates or ninjas are the superior fighting force? As it […]
Remember that scene in the Very Bad Movie Justice League when we flashed back to all those Amazons, Aquamen, Green Lanterns, and such banding together? And remember when you said to yourself, “Man, I wish […]
Deceive your enemies. Lie to your friends. Root out the traitor or be sold out by them. This is Coup, a game of hidden agendas that has basically formed a whole subgenre of game all […]
The princess is to be wed. And if you play this game correctly, she’s getting married to you. Love Letter is the excellent game of romantic intrigue. Set in the cutthroat world of royal romance […]
I know you. I know you love Settlers of Catan. You also have a certain affinity for Risk and a secret obsession with Dungeons & Dragons. Well, I’ve kindly tossed all of those favorite things […]
I love games, but too often is the fun delayed by the tedious reading of endless rulesheets. The good stuff sits waiting in its box while you try to parse out how the game is […]
You thought you’d seen the last of them. You believed the lycanthropy outbreak in your town to be over. Oh how wrong you were. For another still lurks among your ranks. One Week Ultimate Werewolf […]
Tabletop RPGs are my favorite thing in gaming, which puts them high in competition for my favorite thing period. (Sorry, my girlfriend). And there is no RPG I’ve had more fun with for longer than […]
A while back, I told you about Blades in the Dark, the devilishly good RPG that boils down to “Oops, All Rogues”! And if that worked for you, allow me to excite you even further […]
Yo, like, man, just thought you oughtta know there’s a new Magic the Gathering set that came out only TWO DAYS AGO. Yeah, surprised me, too. I mean, I knew it was coming. But I […]
I’ve wanted to write about Gloomhaven for the whole history of this snippet column and FINALLY I CAN! Gloomhaven is back! The best and most acclaimed board game period is finally back in stock. With […]
Fiasco is the tabletop RPG without hours of preparation. It can be played not over months of all-day sessions, but in just a few hours. Fiasco may be the perfect RPG. In a range of […]
For those that like their D&D shifty and underhanded comes Blades in the Dark, the fantasy RPG that asks: What if everyone was a rogue? From assassins to cultists and every kind of a shadowstalker […]
Whether you’re a solo gamer or a party game kinda gal, Mage Knight has provided us with years of fantastic adventures. And to celebrate a tremendous run and reign in players new and old, we […]
Make your family as sad as possible, and then kill them off. Such is the premise of one of my all time favorite games, Gloom. Ever popular with the morbid or moribund, Gloom is the […]
Beware the house on the hill, for few who venture there ever truly return. They are forever lost, their time sucked up into the infinite void of playing and replaying the Betrayal series. Vanilla Betrayal, […]
Trickerion is the game for those that watch The Prestige and really want to get up in there and rough up Christian Bale. If you saw The Illusionist and thought you could teach Edward Norton […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers