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DC Comics

FP Spotlight: Jeff Lemire

If you ask someone what their favorite book is, they usually have a passionate explanation for it. “The main character is just like me”; “It’s just so heartbreaking”; “It made me laugh until I cried”; […]

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Marvel Comics

We got it all on FP Transmissions.

Jeff and Vita rapped about the new releases this week as Javier (of Minimate minute fame) and I slaved over a massive shipment with thousands of awesome comics including Slott’s Silver Surfer and Sandman Overture […]

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Dark Horse


GO TEAM VENTURE! The Venture Brothers is back on the air after 3 long years! Austensibly a parody of Johnny Quest, the Venture Brothers has grown into a touching story about people with extraordinary abilities […]

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Archie Comics

New Comics December 19th 2012

Two days before humanity faces the Rapture or enters The Supercontext or, most likely, just plain wakes up to  another Friday morning (EST, Greenwich Mean Time +2:00 if you’re in Botswana… your results may vary) […]