Comics and Graphic Novels

Megatron vs. Skeletor vs. Cobra Commander

In the world of competitive commerce there are “Good Bosses,” “Great Bosses,” and “Terrible Bosses.” THEN AGAIN, in the world of toys there are Megatron, Cobra Commander and Skeletor.

For those of you tuning in expecting a “Who would win in a fight” article I have disappointment both swift and harsh. Megatron. Those of you with slightly more on the ball, however, might have figured out where I’m going with this. […]


Saturn Provocateur & Other New Manga for May

So this week is a small release week in quantity, barely even ten things are coming out, but the good news is, this week belongs t Dark Horse who is releasing a few choice titles for you guys. First on the list is the amazingly belated Hellsing Volume 10 by Kohta Hirano. Now this is supposed to be the final volume, and from what has been happening since Volume 9, it damn well better be. Aside from the fact that I don’t think the fan base can wait another however many years for an 11th Volume, let’s face it, I’ve been into the series since high school, it has been about 10 years, it’s time for it to end. Just as long Alucard…and therefor Allegra, ends up on top. […]

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Comics and Graphic Novels

Craziest Haircuts in Comics

Superman’s spit-curl, Wolverine’s muttonchops, Professor X’s chrome dome; Comic books have their fair share of iconic hairdos, but with a multitude of pan-dimensional weirdos running around in spandex and capes, it also has its fair share of hair based powers, hairy characters and even a few animals to get things REALLY hairy. […]

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Comic News

He-Man and the Way of the Comic Book?

The countdown begins! At the time of this writing there are only SEVEN days until, the online store of toy mega-giant Mattel that caters to fans and collectors puts its latest and greatest Masters of the Universe rescuplt figure on sale! […]

Comic Book Movies

1st Pic of Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Iron Man 2 hits theaters this coming Friday and while that flick is predicted to be among 2010’s biggest box office draws (okay, it’s going to be one of THE biggest of all time) one […]


FCBD Update: Thomas Hall

Thomas Hall, co-creator and writer of Robot 13, shall be joining our FCBD celebration from 1130am-1pm Satuday the 1st, proffering issues 1-3 of one of the best indy-sciffy-horror-monster comics ever produced and handing out free […]

Comic News

New Comic Releases: #1 Comic Issues

There’s two businesses to Comic Books. In one, artists and writers try (And mind you I did say TRY) to draw, write and create the most amazing, spectacular sequential story they possibly can. On a monthly title, surpassing past successes can be a daunting challenge. […]


Eisner Award Nominations 2010

This year’s Eisner Award nominations have been announced.  Presented at a gala event during San Diego Comic-Con in July, the Awards are named after Will Eisner and are voted on by comics creators, editors, publishers, […]

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Comic News

I Went To PAX East So You Didn’t Have To: Video Game Expo

If the fine cartoonists at were going to all the trouble to have their record-breaking video game convention here on the East Coast, it would only be polite to attend, right? Forbidden Planet spared NO EXPENSE in flying me out to Boston last weekend to cover the con for the Weekly Planet. […]

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Dark Horse

Black Blizzards Beat Gundams

So its a reeeeally small week this week, about 10 books. Three of those books are Mobile Suit Gundam related. First up is the 9th (and I believe final) volume of Gundam: Ecole Du Ciel. In case you were curious, Ecole Du Ciel first started coming out in the states in 2005. That’s five years to put out 9 books. The only excuse for that kind of fan-teasing is some horrible debilitating disease that left the artist minus both their hands for a couple years. On top of that, Tokyopop seems to think they are justified in raising the price on the book not only to $10.99 like they did the rest of their series, but instead this final volume is going to be $12.99, like anyone who even was reading the series 5 years ago hasn’t already fallen out of love with, or plain old forgotten about the whole thing. I know they had issues with a lot of downsizing in the last couple years, but it has been 2 years sine volume 8 released, and even that was really far behind it’s predecessor. At some point in the last two years you would think Tokyopop would have switched one of their crappy pseudo-manga books if just to finish a series that at least has pretty covers and nice artwork. But I digress. […]