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Comic Reviews

New Comics Lack Some Luster

Last week I raged against the oncoming storm that is the Yogi Bear 3D CGI movie. A good friend and blogger, a.k.a. “Jim” of pointed out one of the posters for said celluloid turkey and the rather, awkward catch phrase it employs. […]

Comic Reviews

Who are the X-Men?

Stan Lee had many astonishing insights as to what would sell comic books, not the least of which was to pander to his audience.

“If my merry band of Marvel marchers are nothing more than lily livered teenage freakazoids,” He must have thought, “Then I’ll make half the heroes in the pantheon of Marvel teenage milksops, too!” […]

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Comic Reviews

Birds and Gods: Bird Superheroes Dos and Don’ts

Superheroes are thinly veiled caricatures of our own hopes and insecurities. Finding the right balance between subtly recognizing these deep psychological urges and making the character cool is the entire trick to creating interesting and compelling characters. Think of it like making your first mixed drink: You want enough booze in there to knock your socks off, but put too much in and it will taste like liquorices flavored Scope. […]


Harvey Award Nominations 2009

Nominations for The Harvey Awards for books released in 2009 have been announced, and are presented below. Nominations for the Harvey Awards are selected exclusively by creators – those who write, draw, ink, letter, color, […]

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Comics and Graphic Novels

New Comics 7/14/10

Aspen comics have managed to publish a comic book WITHOUT a half-naked lady on the cover! This is an impressive feat for them, one sure to turn over some long standing bets with bookies keeping tabs on such things. […]

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Comics and Graphic Novels

New Comics Continue!

EVERY comic book is a horror comic book from the perspective of a tree. Imagine if a plant handed you a book, with brightly colored versions of super-powered plants. Not so creepy… but what if the book was printed on MULCHED UP HUMAN SKIN?! […]

Comics and Graphic Novels

Comic Book Cooking

Nearly a third of Marvel’s comic book characters have roots in a neighborhood of New York City known as Hell’s Kitchen. Nick Fury grew up there, as did the yarmulke sporting rock monster known as the Thing. Daredevil calls Hell’s Kitchen his home, as did Stiltman, Vermin and Ms. Lion. […]

Comic Book Movies

1st Pic of Chris Hemsworth as Thor

Iron Man 2 hits theaters this coming Friday and while that flick is predicted to be among 2010’s biggest box office draws (okay, it’s going to be one of THE biggest of all time) one […]

Comic News

New Comic Releases: #1 Comic Issues

There’s two businesses to Comic Books. In one, artists and writers try (And mind you I did say TRY) to draw, write and create the most amazing, spectacular sequential story they possibly can. On a monthly title, surpassing past successes can be a daunting challenge. […]


Eisner Award Nominations 2010

This year’s Eisner Award nominations have been announced.  Presented at a gala event during San Diego Comic-Con in July, the Awards are named after Will Eisner and are voted on by comics creators, editors, publishers, […]

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Comics and Graphic Novels

Krazy Comics Nation

As April 1st approaches I’d like to highlight two books this week which will focus on the absurd, the silly and the wild. I’ll break it into two crowds, the Comic’s Journal elite and the Wizard reading masses. […]