Chris’ Comics: The Wicked and the Divine #16
The Wicked and the Divine #16 Kieron Gillen, Leila Del Duca, Mat Lopes Image $3.99 Up until this issue, the guest artists attached to the last few issues of WicDiv were all relatively new to […]
The Wicked and the Divine #16 Kieron Gillen, Leila Del Duca, Mat Lopes Image $3.99 Up until this issue, the guest artists attached to the last few issues of WicDiv were all relatively new to […]
Join us at Forbidden Planet NYC on September 16th from 6PM to 8PM in celebration of Fantagraphics’ Terror Assaulter! Artist, writer, all around cool dude Benjamin Marra will be on hand signing copies of his newest slice […]
This is me saving the best for last. While both Marvel and DC had solid years creatively (and sales wise I imagine, but I don’t have those numbers at my hands), the number of quality […]
On Wednesday the 24th of July at Forbidden Planet, artist/writer Ulises Farinas (Catalyst Comix, Transformers: Heart of Darkness, House of Mystery) and Erick Fretias will be in store signing copies of their new book GAMMA […]
In stock now and HIGHLY recommended… Copra Compendium 2! Because you demanded it: Copra is back. The second Compendium collects everything Copra issues 4-6 had to offer, plus a brand spanking new cover. In these […]
Not only is it May and it’s 45 degrees outside and raining in New York (shivers of excitement in anticipation of cozy/anxious Twin Peaks watching later), the weather has met in complete conjunction with how […]
I am in Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con as I write this. ECCC is the beginning of the 9 months the comics industry affectionately refers to as “Con Season.” 9 month seasons. Not so […]
I suppose a 2013 preview list should not be written 14 days into year, but I did a lot of traveling over the holidays, and acquired several video games of worth. If anything, SEGA should […]
Part 1: I love Chris Ware. Bit redundant to say so this holiday season with everyone and their sister buying Building Stories, but with so much comic awesomeness that happened in 2012; between Charles Burn’s […]
So here we are at my second column of TRY SOMETHING NEW! already. Wasn’t too pleased with how the the first one came out, 20/20 hindsight and all, but we press on. New comics wait […]
Two days before humanity faces the Rapture or enters The Supercontext or, most likely, just plain wakes up to another Friday morning (EST, Greenwich Mean Time +2:00 if you’re in Botswana… your results may vary) […]
Come one, come all! At Forbidden Planet NYC on November 21st, illustrator and escape artist Sean Von Gorman will lock himself inside a man-sized steel cage until we sell every copy of his new release […]
There’s just too much comics news to keep up with. I’m still trying to unravel threads from the NYCC, and the next thing I learn is I missed out on news from the SDCC! Did […]
NYCC was a thing that has happened! To about 116,000 people if the numbers are correct. That is a lot of people! Like 9,000 short of SDCC a lot! But very few of them write for […]
COMICS AND MOVIES The line between comic book continuity and Hollywood has never been thinner, and both fan communities are adding fuel to the fire! The success of The Avengers movie has cemented another five […]
Saturday, July 21st at 2pm at Pete’s Candy Store in Brooklyn It’s time for the fourth Pete’s Mini Zine Fest, the fest-in-a-bar. Our celebration of the duplicated arts promises a good time and a relaxing […]
After a long hiatus, Morgan Pielli’s Pile of Mini’s returns. And just in time to have my heart broken by this weeks batch of comics! Yes, the theme for the week is love lost, and […]
Meet the author of the world’s most dangerous comic book novel: The Dark Skull 418 only at Forbidden Planet NYC Friday, July 13th at 7pm For more details, check out the Facebook Event page! The […]
“Everything We Miss,” a short vignette by Luke Pearson is finally available from some fine folks from across the pond, Nobrow Press, for our grubby American hands to paw over. Nobrow, an independent comics publisher based […]
The Avengers movie is AWESOME, you have to go see it right now! Well, it was alright. Actually, I kinda’ didn’t like it. I know that’s strange, I mean, the director has done such impressive work, and […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers