“The Truth” Shall Set Her Free in WONDER WOMAN #15
This week in WONDER WOMAN #15 the next arc and best jumping on point for new readers hits our shelves with “THE TRUTH” part one. […]
This week in WONDER WOMAN #15 the next arc and best jumping on point for new readers hits our shelves with “THE TRUTH” part one. […]
All-New X-Men Volume 1: Ghosts of Cyclops Dennis Hopeless, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Nolan Woodard Marvel $15.99 With the exception of the superb and insanely fun X-Men ’92, I’ve more or less stopped buying X-Men […]
Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of the legendary hip-hop group Run DMC will be appearing at Forbidden Planet NYC on Wednesday September 2nd from 5-7 for the debut of the all new single issue DMC #1.5! This new comic will […]
Did you watch the last Tuesday Transmission?
Javier of Mini-Mate Minute fame joins me for a full episode. “Can you see it? No wait, can you see it?”
Another Tuesday Transmission for you kids! This time Vita Vs Matt Vs Deadpool Vs Carnage!
On February 12th, starting at 7p.m., Forbidden Planet will have the creative team behind Image comics new hit series EGOS; Stuart Moore and Gus Storms, in-store signing copies of issue #1 and #2. We will […]
A FINAL GOODBYE Forbidden Planet is my favorite comic book store in New York City, it always has been and hopefully always will. I say “Hopefully” because I hold dislike definitive blanket statements… I mean, […]
A long time ago in a comic book shop far, far away… all your holiday shopping was taken care of in one shot! Just spend a few minutes with me and I’ll fill you with […]
One time I stopped for directions at an old lighthouse in Maine. I was on vacation and had lost my way. The kindly old lighthouse keeper, who admittedly was transparent below the waist, gave me […]
YES, Ben Affleck is now Batman, but somehow the media is missing the bigger story. We know the former Daredevil star has been signed to play Mr. Wayne in multiple cross-company movies, so as to […]
Founded in 1993 to publish comics based on The Simpsons, Bongo Comics celebrates its 20th Anniversary this year at this past San Diego Comic Con. On hand to talk about their success were Bongo’s Creative […]
Writing for the Forbidden Planet blog, or the Weekly Planet in shop newsletter is unlike writing for other media. For starters, unlike my blog, webcomics or reporting for other websites, you guys and gals actually […]
This year’s winners were announced last night. Here’s the full list: Best Short Story: “Moon 1969: The True Story of the 1969 Moon Launch,” by Michael Kupperman, in Tales Designed to Thrizzle #8 (Fantagraphics) Best […]
Not only is it May and it’s 45 degrees outside and raining in New York (shivers of excitement in anticipation of cozy/anxious Twin Peaks watching later), the weather has met in complete conjunction with how […]
Some of the top selling comics of late have been Cartoons. Regular Show, Adventure Time, My Little Pony and Bravest Warriors, the Adventure-Time-esque space adventure are all doing a great deal of business in surprising […]
May 22nd marks the public release of the first issue of a wild and fascinating comic collaboration. Occupy Comics #1 will be on shelves and we at Forbidden Planet recommend everyone get it. This is […]
Tyler wants me to turn in my new column so he can go home. I have to write it first but he doesn’t know that yet. I don’t really know what to write about though […]
WHERE HAS OUR DEAR SWEET TYLER GONE? HE LOOKS SO TROUBLED. I really don’t want to do this this week. This column is going to take some weird turns. Some days I don’t like writing […]
Funny story. My column ran long last week and Unkie Dev’s space got cut. Since then I have been wracked with guilt and completely unable to function in my daily life. I am overwrought with […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers