Troy’s Toys, but with Comics: Cats on Cats Baby
Upon writing cats on cats I realize that there’s several ways in which that can be taken. Whelp, Imma keep it, because I hope people’s mind won’t go directly to the gutter (HAH!) and more […]
Upon writing cats on cats I realize that there’s several ways in which that can be taken. Whelp, Imma keep it, because I hope people’s mind won’t go directly to the gutter (HAH!) and more […]
Happy post-whatever you celebrated/are celebrating “dear” reader. The Santa-man was pretty good to me this year, which was nice because Christmas is expensive y’all. So yeah, it’s the final week of 2013, and my video […]
Another day, another gift idea list! In the last couple of years Adventure Time has become one of those trail blazing pop culture phenomenons that just doesn’t seem to have a foreseeable end to its […]
Many thanks to our friends at Boom! Studios who stopped by the shop yesterday with the Boom Mobile. They gave away gobs of free comics, graphic novels and t-shirts and a good time was had […]
San Diego Comic Con is going down, and I am not there, but in hot-ass Brooklyn instead. Part of me is jealous of the dozen or so people I know who are in attendance, but […]
Happy belated 4th of July FPNYC Faithful, it is disgusting outside, let’s blow up the sun. Saying I’m a mark for Matt Fraction stuff is like saying that…that’s it’s too hot outside to make comparisons. […]
Summer is back, and if it’s not personal this time, I’d be shocked. I’m spare you the exact details of sweat I’ve produced so far this weekend, but just know that it’s been A LOT. […]
Tyler wants me to turn in my new column so he can go home. I have to write it first but he doesn’t know that yet. I don’t really know what to write about though […]
I suppose a 2013 preview list should not be written 14 days into year, but I did a lot of traveling over the holidays, and acquired several video games of worth. If anything, SEGA should […]
I would like to start this article off by “publicly” thanking those friends of mine who purchased a plethora of games via Steam for me this past Christmas. You’re given me an excuse to continue […]
Part 1: I love Chris Ware. Bit redundant to say so this holiday season with everyone and their sister buying Building Stories, but with so much comic awesomeness that happened in 2012; between Charles Burn’s […]
Two days before humanity faces the Rapture or enters The Supercontext or, most likely, just plain wakes up to another Friday morning (EST, Greenwich Mean Time +2:00 if you’re in Botswana… your results may vary) […]
HOLY CRAP, WE’RE MOVING APPARENTLY! There, consider that an early reminder. I’ll try to not to mention it again until after it happens and grand-opening things have been announced. Anywho, happy post 4th of July […]
Happy Americaday everybody! And what better way to celebrate the day that The United States became a thing that everybody was saying, than with a gigantic sale! And what better way to kick off a gigantic […]
NEW camera! NEW format! NEW co-host! Everything’s new- and also late. Sorry. All this NEW took some time to figure out. Plus, this is one honking slab of episode: clocking in at a beefy 20 […]
“Watchmen is over!” wasn’t just a line of terrible dialogue added to Zack Snyder’s 2009 film adaptation of Watchmen, it was also the thunderous roar of author Alan Moore’s opinion on the matter. But Jim […]
Comics and t-shirts! T-shirts and comics! DC has a new Batgirl, Batman and Robin, Batman, and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E., plus the collected Batman Volume 1: The Court of Owls. Also, a slew of new […]
Forbidden Planet NYC will be giving away bags containing one of each Free Comic Book Day comic that we receive, as well as a coupon for purchases both in-store and online! These are on a […]
So much to cover today! Tons of number ones, including Secrets and Alabaster, not to mention the anticipated Saga #2! But wait! we have a special guest today: writer Frank Barbiere, whose newest comic will […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers