
Links for 10/22/09

According to The Hollywood Reporter Executive Producer and showrunner Marc Guggenheim has left ABC’s FlashForward, a new borderline sciffy series I’ve been digging immensely.  David Goyer, who along with Brannon Braga is co-creator of the […]

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Transmissions From the Planet: Boilerplate

Welcome to the first webcast from Forbidden Planet featuring the new coffee table book Boilerplate: History’s Mechanical Marvel. FP hosted the authors, Anina Bennett and Paul Guinan, for a short interview about their creation. It’s […]


Tales From My Coffee Table

Plaque, Legos, Dozers…  These things build up.  So too does the rather heaping mound of comics, books, and assorted curiosities on the coffee table back at Casa de Ayers.  I get sent and/or buy a […]


Go Ballistic!

I love Ballistic.  They’re a publisher of fine digital art books based in Australia and their line is absolutely magnificent.  A tad on the pricey side, butcha pay for quality, dang it! They’re worth every penny, […]


“Who Killed Amanda Palmer?”

The incredibly creative couple of Neil Gaiman and Dresden Dolls Lead Singer Amanda Palmer have combined to bring us a work of Palmer’s photography in “Who Killed Amanda Palmer.” The book doesn’t even come out […]


Charles N. Brown, 1937-2009

As reported by Locus magazine, science fiction publishing lost one of it’s more ardent and vociferous supporters this past Sunday. Locus publisher, editor, and co-founder Charles N. Brown, 72, died peacefully in his sleep July […]