Comic Book Movies

Outpost 31

Last Halloween, I sewed an Outpost 31 patch on my wintercoat and made believe that I was R.J. MacReady from John Carpenter’s 1982 sci-fi horror masterpiece The Thing.  The other guy is my buddy, James, […]

Comic Book Movies


Millions of years of evolution have just become mankind’s worst nightmare. While on a trip to a video store that has decided to close its doors after nearly 25 years in the business, I finally […]

Coexist t-shirt from TeeFury

Lookee! for 2/4/11

Fascinating.  Science writer Lee Billings has been guest blogging for BoingBoing this week, dissecting NASA’s big Kepler news and exploring other exoplanetary pursuits. Have ya heard the one about Bill Murray at a Bears playoff […]

Harlan Ellison J. Michael Straczynski Repent Harlequin Ticktockman
Comic Book Movies

Best News I’ve Heard All Week- JMS Adapting Classic Ellison Story for the Big Screen

J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Amazing Spider-Man, Thor) is apparently shopping his adaptation of  Unca Harlan’s “Repent, Harlequin!” Said the Tictockman as a feature film. “Since this has apparently leaked onto several film-oriented websites, I […]

Comic Book Movies

TRON Update 8.29.10

…In which we catch up with one of our favorite subjects. Actor Peter Jurasik, who played a compound interest program named Crom in the original film, showed up in an article in the Star News […]

Science Fiction

Red Mars

I’m a bit burned out by a few strenuous days at work, so nothing more today than what I’m currently reading (or re-reading in this case)  to escape from the OT grind… Kim Stanley Robinson’s […]


FCBD Update: Thomas Hall

Thomas Hall, co-creator and writer of Robot 13, shall be joining our FCBD celebration from 1130am-1pm Satuday the 1st, proffering issues 1-3 of one of the best indy-sciffy-horror-monster comics ever produced and handing out free […]

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Science Fiction

Take Me Out to the Holosuite

What little free time I’ve had since this past Monday has been occupied by just one thing: Baseball. It’s one of the only forms of entertainment I enjoy more than comics, SF and other geeky […]

Comic Book Movies

Links 3/11/10

Coming soon: Battlestar Galactica MMO.  Slated to be a browser-based space strategy game, offered exclusively on for its first 30 days, this is being developed by obscure (and relatively unproven) Norwegian developer Artplant– which […]

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Ronald Chevalier Event Update

Unfortunately the schedule for Ronald Chevalier is not going to permit him to make his previously mentioned appearance at Forbidden Planet. We do however have advanced screening passes for those interested while supplies last . […]