Some Random for September 9th
So it’s Sunday morning, I’m exhausted, and I’m working. Here we go! Matt D was just fixing up our graphic novel shelves and brought over a copy of the new(ish) Robot 13 collection. “When did […]
So it’s Sunday morning, I’m exhausted, and I’m working. Here we go! Matt D was just fixing up our graphic novel shelves and brought over a copy of the new(ish) Robot 13 collection. “When did […]
Comic Books as we know them are now over. Too bad, really, there were some super sweet books coming out this week, such as The Goon #41, Wolverine and the X-Men #15, Before Watchmen: Minutemen […]
That’s right. We’re discounting EVERYTHING in our store on Wednesday, July 4th. We don’t do this often (maybe once a year… maybe), so come on by and take advantage! Plus, this year the 4th […]
The full line of Unca Harlan CDs, all six volumes, from Deep Shag Records is now in stock and I couldn’t be happier! Volume six is brand new and the only installment I had not […]
Homina homina homina… I just got my grubby mitts on this: Prometheus The Art of the Film– Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set […]
Come out this Friday June 15th at 7PM to the second screening in the VHS Series at the Museum of Arts and Design. Josh Schafer publisher/editor of Lunchmeat VHS Magazine will present a VHS screening […]
Believe it or not all my rambling about VHS has paid off! The Museum of Art and Design, Jake Yuzna, Rebecca Cleman and I (Matthew Desiderio) have put together the mother of all VHS tributes with […]
“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.” My favorite Ray Bradbury quote. The giant […]
In the 20th Century… Today, Monday June 4th 2012, marks the 30th Anniversary of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, my 2nd all-time favorite flick. How do I feel? Young. I feel young.
Oh sure, we’ve got a bunch of hot new trades in this week; Batman Annual #1: Night of the Owls, Batman: Death by Design, Animal Man Annual #1. But the big news this week is: […]
Just a quick reminder that Forbidden Planet NYC is hosting a pretty special event this Wednesday night, folks. Artist J.K. Woodward will be in-store signing copies of Star Trek Doctor Who Assimilation #1 from 5:30 […]
Forbidden Planet gets Tromatized Thursday May 24th at 7:30 PM. Toxic Tapeheads Rejoice! This killer collector’s edition VHS of the Toxic Avenger is limited to only 300 copies, comes on a nuclear green tape and […]
Mold! The new splatstick sci-fi horror flick is now available on VHS exclusively at Forbidden Planet. Each limited edition VHS collectors pack comes in an oversized clamshell case with a green tape, a vinly 7 […]
Email LockOut@fpnyc.com to enter our raffle to win a chance to see Luc Besson’s new sci fi film “LOCKOUT!” Prize pack includes a pair of run of engagement passes (passes begin on Monday 4/23), a […]
With season 2 of George R.R. Martin’s fantasy epic making its premiere on HBO this Sunday night, now’s as good a time as any to go over the plethora of Game of Thrones product available […]
SATURDAY – MARCH 31st – SPECTACLE SPACE JAM: SCI-FI MARATHON! SPECTACLE THEATER • 124 South 3rd Street • Brooklyn, NY 11211 $25 Full Day Passes • $5 Individual Films • Visit Spectacle to purchase Noon – […]
This Friday night come out for another Horror Boob’s hosted Midnight Movie at the Spectacle Theater! Friday – March 16th, MidnightHorror Boobs presents: Demonwarp Directed by Emmett Alston 1988, 91 mins. Continuing with Spectacles history […]
Come out to one of the 3 screenings of The Deadly Spawn at Brooklyn’s Spectacle Theater. The first one is tonight with and intro and Q&A session with director Douglas McKeown. THE DEADLY SPAWN a/k/a: […]
Totally stoked on this! Steve Mannion’s sexy ass kicker Fearless Dawn is back in an all new one-shot adventure: The Secret Of The Swamp. Makes me wanna brush off my copy of The Bomb and […]
New on the shelves at Forbidden Planet this week is the sci-fi, horror, comedy hybrid MOLD! Available at our web-store and on the center counter of the NYC store. It’s the 1984. Reagan’s War on Drugs […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers