Let’s start with an understatement: It’s been a rough couple of years for fans of Steve Rogers. Good ol’ Steve has been evil. Like, super villain to the extreme evil. His history was altered to him having been a loyal follower of Hydra. Then, he arranged to conquer the world and bring a Secret Empire to the forefront. And people have not been too excited for the character. Readers rejected Cap Hydra. Even people picking up the issues felt like they lost “their” Steve Rogers. Well, now is the time to relax our nerves for a moment and welcome home the hero we’ve missed so dearly in Captain America #695.
I say that having read an advance digital retailer copy. Seriously, the book’s damn good. Our Cap is back and thanks to the superstar creative team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, he’s back to his roots. In the wake of the whole Cap Hydra thing, Steve Rogers is on a journey across the country and comes upon a small town. He first visited Burlington, Nebraska a decade ago (in Marvel Universe years), right after the Avengers thawed him out of the ice. Now, he’s returned and just in time to deal with a hate group that’s also making a return to the place where Captain America first made his mark. Coincidence? Probably not…
This book’s about to be unabashedly hokey. But in the right kind of Captain America way. Waid an Samnee do not ignore what’s happened. However, what they first focus is to celebrate who Captain America is, why he matters, and celebrate the aspirational nature of the symbol. Then, we see the man who is flawed but doing his best to restore faith in that symbol. I would feel confident recommending this to any new or casual reader, and for almost any age. It’s a capital comeback and easily the best Marvel Legacy book thus far. Pick up this must-read this week when it hits the shelf!
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